Previous – Day 3 – Bhubaneshwar to Asansol
We left Asansol and pointed Google to Siliguri. Did not have any breakfast, thought will have it on the way some where – but there were none. I was not expecting an Udupi – but still there was not a single decent one. We had a few Mishti and I ate it up. Felt an odd feeling – too much sugar on empty stomach.
We entered Jharkand, and then Bihar. Somewhere before crossing Ganges we stopped at a restaurant and packed Roti and Paneer Sabzi. The drive was not fun. It was a single lane, and the lorries looked dangerous and were driven very fast. The lorries down south do not go this fast.
On the bridge had a close call where one of these fast lorries was overtaking dangerously and was approaching quite fast into our side – and had to hit a hard brake to stop.
We reached Siliguri around evening – and found a place to stay in Loft hotel. Somewhere while entering Siliguri I was bragging – Coco did not get caught all these days and lo and behold – the owner was in the Reception and spotted Coco.
San had to convince them and said if anything breaks we will pay for it. They let it pass. The Loft hotel was neat. One of the better ones in Siliguri.
I was feeling that odd feeling I get before start of a fever. Could be the 4 days of travel, I was not sure. So ordered Hot and Sour Chicken Soup – my goto anytime I get on the onset of a cold / fever, P ordered Noodles as usual – and we had it in the room.

Next : Day 5 Siliguri to Shillong