I am still fuming from the Mumbai carnage and hearing our politicians soundbytes. Felt it is bad for my blood pressure – so here is a post on a lighter vein – the cliches that media,politicians, pundits, commentators – keep telling on and on.
The man on the left is the scape goat because of the incompetency of the following stalwarts.
2 reasons why Terrorists made a mistake this time
Terrorists choose the wrong place and wrong time to strike. They have dug their own graveyard.
Art of the start
Art of starting…
Well this is the name of my blog, inspired by a great book – Art of The Start by Guy Kawasaki.
I bought this book on Nov 27,2006. ( I write the day I bought a book with an interesting event that day if I had one ) – and read it half way. But never finished it – gave me lot of crazy ideas and inspiration.
Now I picked the book again and re-reading from the beginning. And suddenly it makes sense – every word of it. Earlier when I read this book it was as if I was reading the syntax of a language in a book. Now when I read the book it is as if I am coding and compiling and running it.
If you are a wannabe entrepreneur, just starting like me, or a seasoned entrepreneur who eats VCs for breakfast – this is the one book you should have read back to back.
Shame on us
I respect Mumbai more than Delhi.
I got my coffee ready and picked up Indian Express and saw “Terrorists take over Mumbai” – I could not believe it. Thought it was a prank. Economic Times concurred.
Who is John Galt?
I completed Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. After 1000 pages and sitting through the philosophical discourses by John Galt ( what a fabulous speech in the end), Atkinson – the philospher, Fransisco the Copper Barron, a pirate, a car manufacturer, a music composer – I am still in one piece and I still love humanity – more later.
Comprehensive list of Tools for Web site testing
Top 5 things I lost by shunning TV
It has been almost 2 months since I stopped watching TV. With 2 exceptions – Followed Chandrayaan launch on the (t)rusty Doordarshan and saw Obama creating history.
Free website monitoring
Browser shots !!
So I was wondering how does Apartment Adda look like on different browsers, different platforms – is it loading fine or is it throwing errors? Head over to browsershots.org and give your url. It will take some time but your site is hit with 61 browsers from all the OS platforms of the world. I got my results back with errors on an old version of opera and chrome.
The entire development of Apartment Adda has been done on chome with occasional switch to firefox to use firebug. Need more investigation – you can download the results to your desktop and view each one of them carefully.
Very useful service.