
I am happy to announce the launch of – it is an online portal for communication and management for apartment communities. 

Today most of the apartment communities network online using yahoo groups or google groups. Apartment Adda is a replacement to these groups and in addition provides more tools custom built for apartment communities – like notice board, file sharing, polls and also management tools like maintenance fee tracker, issue tracker etc.

It is close to 2 months since I started working on this. Has been quite a roller coaster ride. Had to take care of legal aspects, UI design, logo, the mantra, features page – it is endless !! Is my work over? -no in fact it is just beginning and things are getting really interesting !! 

Head over to and see if it can benefit you. It sure will !! 


I am happy to announce the launch of . It is an online portal targetted at apartment communities.

Today most of the apartment communities network online using yahoo groups or google groups. Apartment Adda is a replacement to these groups and in addition provides more tools custom built for apartment communities – like notice board, file sharing, polls and also management tools like maintenance fee tracker, issue tracker etc.

I have been working on this portal for the past 2 months. 

Some major milestones !!

October 2007 – Registered domain

Then Prithvi was born and I got busy in a couple of projects. 

September 17, 2008 – Work begins on Apartment Adda

September 28,2008 – Prototype demo to Oasis Breeze Apartment’s Association Committee

Oct 5,2008 – Early Beta release – Oasis Breeze, Harmony Apartments sign up

Nov 12,2008 – Launch

Head over to the site and have a look – . I feel very excited and nervous !! Perhaps this is how Steve Jobs feels when he launches his iPod or MacBook !!

Michael Chrichton ( 1942 – 2008 )

Michael Chrichton passed away on Nov 4, 2008.

A salute to a great author with a great imagination. 

His books that I relished.
Jurassic Park

Enjoyed it for the chaos theory and he inducted me into fractal world.


Picked this book in the middle of my 3rd year exams. Started reading at 2.00PM and put it down at 3.00AM the next day.  ( thankfully I had a day between exams).
Eaters of the dead

I don’t remember much about this book but for one interesting anecdote in the book – the length of a man’s nose determines the length of can guess 🙂
The Great Train Robbery
Chaltahai book. Nothing is sticking on my brain now. 
Introduction to Nano technology. But kind of predictable and got boring towards the end.

Marketing said you will never fly an aircraft after you read this – but my memory is too short so it did not matter !!
Movie adaptations that I enjoyed.

I made the cardinal sin of seeing this movie and then regretting later that I saw this movie. Now I will never read this book – time is too short and also the director has already imagined for me – I cannot imagine anyother way now.

Good fun. No regrets that I did not read the book. Couple of months saved 🙂
Lost World

I do not remember the movie – but still I want to read this book – it is in my list of books to catch upon.
Got to get the books he has written after PreyState of Fear and Next. I will definitely feel sad when I read his books henceforth – while reading a book you are actually reading the author’s mind – and the feeling that the mind is no more – kind of makes you feel sad. 

Legalities of starting a business

I always wondered what it takes to start a business in India.

Turns out that it is quite simple – no big bureaucratic red tape which I always thought India was. There are 3 major types.

Sole Proprietorship:

This is what I opted for. Nothing to register with the government, lawyer or auditor. You are fully responsible for your business. Liability is solely yours. What it means is you incur a huge loss – you have to pay from your personal property. You wake up in the middle of night and decide – man let me start a business. There you go – your business is born. As simple as that.

Want to open a bank account. No problem – tell them your company name and give address proof and PAN card number. Done.

Till 2 Lakhs of income, you pay 20% tax. Beyond that it is 30%.


You need help from an auditor for this purpose. You and your partner(s) decide what is the percentage you own the company ( and hence the liabilities ) etc. Costs some 5000Rs I guess. I did not dig deep into this as this was not the option I was taking.

Even if your firm made only 100Rs as profit you have to pay 30% tax.

Private Company:

This is the most expensive and longer router ( but safer route ). You first give a proposal to the government entity with a bunch of company names. Then they will tell you which one is available. Then you might have to spend to the tune of 1Lakh Rupees to get all done and it is a long drawn out process.

So you have a great idea – just go ahead and start doing it. Have a friend helping you out – cough up the 5K and continue your march.

I know what you are thinking – even I went through the same phase. What if someone stakes claim to my brand name by doing the legal 1Lakh Rupees way while you were slogging to popularise brand.

Well first accept that you are screwed. Like it helps !!

You have your user base – just change the name to something better – call it formerly known as I am no expert in this – but when you are beginning do not worry about such things – if it did not cost a whopping 1Lakh I would have registered my company. But the 1Lakh can be spent in far better ways – getting a good UI designer, designing a fundoo logo, get a kickass server – so your pages load fast.

How about patenting? I still have not explored this area – might be doing it soon. Watch out for a post on that.

So have you started your business by now?

Good Luck Mr.Obama

Good luck Senator. I hope you win the election and by next week you are Mr.President.  Here are the reasons why I support this young man.

1. Obama is young and is experienced enough. If W can be President, Mr.Obama – editor of Harward Law Review – can very well be. No arguments. Shut up Mc.Cain and Palin.
2. I am an admirer of Clinton. I love to listen to him. Obama is another great orator of our times. Give him a chance to speak to the world.
3. This is kind of a hope. Currently I am reading Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged and there is a striking similarity to the story and our present day crisis. In the story all innovation wasstifled. The industrialist who invents a new alloy, another one who invents a new way of drilling oil – all are hounded by the establishment ( Washington, old way of doing business guys, incompetent scientists ) – to not prosper with their innovation. In fact these new ideas are killed unceremoniously citing various reasons. 
Roll forward 70 odd years and the same thing is being enacted. Stem Cell research has not taken off, electric cars are yet to start rolling off in US ( biggest consumers and biggest pollutors – sorry – it is not China and India – howmuch ever you twist the facts ). I feel John Mc Cain, W – are all the bigots who stifle innovation – because they and their friends ( oil companies pharmaceutical giants, insurance companies) will get wiped out if the new ideas succeed. They prevent the world from becoming a better place to live in. I am hoping Mr.Obama will remove the barricades and change the world. I can bet on Mr.Obama than on Mr. Mc Cain.
4. And this is another hope. I hope Obama inspires another Obama in India. An energetic young man who will put India to where it deserves to be – a country that redefines mankind and spreads peace and happiness in the world – and not a third world country, that apes US and UK.
Me? Thanks for the thought 🙂
And Hell No – not  you Mr.Rahul. It is a sad sad comparision. Tell me one good book you have read. I know you have not written any thing – not even a blog? Tell me one original speech you have given – what are your views on Reservation, Terrorism, Kashmir, China, LTTE. I cannot stand the coming General Election in India when such comparisions will be made. 
Coming back to the man of the moment – Mr.Obama – may the pregnant chads and dimpled chads fall in your favor.

Best stress reliever

I have a 10 month old son – and he keeps me occupied all the time I am at home -and I am at home all the time !!

Whenever he is up he tries to grab the chords. He is fascinated with the optical mouse and keeps turning them upside down to see if the light is still on. He just does not get bored of it.

Whenever he enters the room after a nap, or after his feeding battle – he gives a big smile. And I have to smile back at him. And of course the other times when he is doing something really crazy and I will silently smile inwardly without distracting him. 
And of course all these smiling sessions will be punctuated with lot of blood curling cries – when he bangs himself on the door,wall,chair – in fact you start noticing how many hard objects are around you. And when he gets sleepy and does not want to sleep. His motor skills go for a toss and he will make any Bangalore policeman suspicious.  
Someday will introduce you to him – he is a great guy 🙂

more funny probes..

More funny bot probes..

 File does not exist: /home/****/html/intl

client sent HTTP/1.1 request without hostname (see RFC2616 section 14.23): /

 script '/home/*****/html/thisdoesnotexistahaha.php' not found or unable to stat

[Wed Oct 22 03:24:11 2008] [error] [client **.**.**.***] script '/home/*****/html/cmd.php' not found or unable to stat

and we have a lift off !!

Morning today I woke up to see Chandrayaan lifting off on our trusty Doordarshan. What a feeling it was. There was cloud cover so did not quite get the majestic spectacle of a rocket firing on all cylinders – but instead had to watch a dull 2D representation of a dot moving through a graph paper with the rockets speed slowly increasing – 4.8Km/s and so on..

A few minutes after launch when all the boosters had done their job, and the satellite was safely tucked away in orbit around the earth a mic was put and all the scientists got behind it and one by one started congrajulating their team. The 3rd to speak was one gentleman who was so emotional that he said “i dont know what to say” and his eyes were moist. And he did went on to congrajulate all his team members.
I was waiting for some sound bite where some scientist will say take that you NASA or take that for calling us land of snake charmers and call centers – but none. All of them were such sophisticated gentlemen and were so visibly elated and at peace – and were profusely thanking their team members and their family for having allowed them to spend months of hard work. 
But one gentleman did make me happy. ( Thank you Doordarshan for not having the “vision” to put the names of the scientists when they come to speak ). He said next is Mars and other planets. Wow – that is exactly what I wanted to hear. We need visionaries, we need Howard Roarks and I was glad to spot one among them. It took 4 years of dedicated effort for this day.
And the screenshot I took now – is from CNN. Back in 2000 when I was sitting in US doing my MS – I would wait for any news from India on TV. There will be none, zilch – except for Fox News where they had a segment – around the world in 60 seconds. They will dediate 10 seconds for bizarre news – and news of big mouchtaches, or upturned buses that killed school children – was all they showed. Scroll 8 years down and here we are in the home page of CNN – India launches unmanned mission to moon.
Perhaps it is time I let down the nagging feeling of what the world thinks of India and instead let India think of the world in turn. Perhaps seeing our sensex zoom, the markets in other parts of the other world will react positively to it. Perhaps the Revas and Nanos will teach the world how to conserve. Perhaps Hollywood gets inspired by Bollywood and Angelina Jolie starts doing jatkas.
I am feeling groovy…


I have every reason to be proud of India. A mission to the moon. I am awaiting eagerly for this historic lift off tomorrow.

When the rovers scooped dirt on Mars I was proud to be a human being – from swinging from branch to branch – and now to hopping planets  – what a giant leap mankind has taken. Also was teeny weeny jealous of NASA for having achieved such a big feat

But when a Made in India metal starts orbitting the moon, it will be doubly special. We have squeezed a rocket from pinching poverty, corrupt netas, terrorism, border disputes, pollution, suppression of minorities – it is an endless list. But for the common man beaten up by all these bad elements – the lift off will be one uplifing feeling – to encourage him to fight off all these cancers and rise above the clouds to achieve bigger things. 
ISRO – a salute to have dared to think beyond 36,000KMs. What is next?

Here is the life story of a speck

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