Macs can do more

Starting today, I am going to write about how on a mac you can do more things. Of course you can do the same or even more in Windows – but you have to bend your back. I will examine each of the applications, tricks I enjoy in my mac – also to be fair will try to find equivalent application in windows and linux and review them.

Mac sets you free…!!


UML is like the Grand Unified Theory (GUT) for physicists – only difference is UML has been developed and is being used everywhere. I started this book a few days ago and I am hooked. I will be telling you some of the interesting things I discover in this journey.

As a briefer : UML defines nine types of diagrams

1. Class diagrams
2. Sequence diagrams
3. Collaboration diagrams
4. Object diagrams
5. Statechart diagrams
6. Activity diagrams
7. Use case diagrams
8. Component diagrams
9. Deployment diagrams


Incredibles poster
Originally uploaded by haikvr.

I remember 1992 when I saw Terminator 2 – I thought this is it – we have reached the end of graphics and imagination – nothing else can be made which can top this. 12 years later I want to laugh at that kvr who watched Terminator in awe.

Sangeeta and I went to the 12.00am show on Nov 5th to see Incredibles. There was a sparse crowd so we could choose our seats. The movie rolled and it looked like some ordinary cartoon movie. The movements were smooth, animation was amazing but still nothing ground breaking. You have to wait till the jungle scenes to realize Pixar’s prowess. The leaves and greenery were real. I dont know if they used real shots and mixed it with the virtual scenery – or they recreated it. I gotto wait for the making of Incredibles DVD to know how they did it. The greenery was real. The rocket, the buildings – I had to keep telling myself this is all CGI and its not real. Thats for the graphics and animation.

The story, humour, conversation, the contradictions in character’s minds, the thrill and suspense – this movie can compete with the last second thrill of Indiana Jones, or any James Bond Movie. An intelligent well made movie. I loved it and lapped it up.

So whats bad about this movie? A little bit long – not that I noticed – but I had a kind of itch when the story would drag on the pitiable boring lifestyle of our ex-superhero. My mind was waiting on and on for the action scenes to begin – and when it did I forgave my mini-grudge with all my heart. There were 2 scenes which stand out when I think of the movie. The chase of the kid – who can run sooo fast – and the instant when our kid discovers he can run on water – wow. It was like that instant when I realized am riding the bicycle without any support. The second when our elastigirl gets into a complicated situation. Difficult to describe this sticky situation – am just wondering how the screenplayer, story writer and director sat and discussed this scene.

Incredibles will be in the top 100 movies of my list.

Here is the life story of a speck

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