Great many men have walked on my lawns, corridors, steps. The last one who took my abode made me famous like none other. People looked at me with a new found respect. Camels, deers, dogs came to me to be treated. Flowers started blooming with joy. I did not know I had other uses than being a rubber stamp. Alas…those days are over.
Now I am going to let criminals walk on my lawns, corridors, steps. Someone who has cheated a poor vegetable vendor’s daily savings, a poor clerk’s daughter’s marriage’s savings by using their hard earned money to write off loans taken by her husband,brother,uncle,aunt – by being the director of a bank. Someone who has used her MPLAD funds to help her husband create a mall instead of a housing unit, or a hospital or one of the many useful things 1 Crore a year could have done. Someone who has tied the investigating agency’s hands so her husband will not be prosecuted for murder..yes you read it right – murder. Its a shame I have to bear this “rubber stamp” for 5 years..
No kvr – you dont want to be me this week. You are happy being yourself…take solace..I am getting soiled left right and center. Just pray for poor me and hope this black cloud passes off soon…
A sad Rashtrapati Bhavan..

I was always thinking of writing a series in my post-a-month blog – so I will get disciplined to write more frequently for my million audiences…Finally I have broken my procastination shackles and heres the first post in a long ( hopefully ) series of a celebrity I definitely dont want to be this moment…so here you go : And the top rated honour goes to Fernando Alonso , 2 times world champion in Formula 1 currently driving McLaren Mercedes – (always) behind another McLaren Mercedes car driven by one Lewis Hamilton – who is a rookie and supposed number 2 for McLaren – who I heard has stuck Alonso’s photo on his rear view mirror ( I just made it up – Hamilton from what I read about him is too humble and a nice guy to do anything like that).
I was watching last week’s French Grand Prix ( yes I am married..hehe:) ) and Alonso chased Nick Heidfield for 60 laps trying to over take him on one corner which was immediately after the pit lane exit. After the second pit stop Hamilton comes out with a fully loaded car and cold tyres and over took some car exactly at that corner – a lesson for the maestro on how to over take..perhaps?
So definitely I dont want to be Alonso this week – and the British Grand Prix will be starting in another couple of hours now and Hamilton is at pole, Raikkonen two and Hamilton’s rear view mirror at 3. Good luck Alonso !!
Next week – I have not yet decided who I dont want to be – lets see how the world shapes up.
Here is the life story of a speck