Business Card Title

A startup has many challenges – market, cash flow, competition, support, hack attacks, attrition, power cut, hunt for the perfect coffee – add one more to the long list – Business Card Title.

Today, Sangeeta and I had a chat on IM ( yes we are in the same office – long story ๐Ÿ™‚ ) regarding what will be the title. We cannot have traditional roles like CxO, X Manager etc. – as in a startup you have to specifically generalize.

When we started ApartmentAdda, I had a short title on my Business card – Chief. – with a period at the end. I was ragged for 15 minutes by one committee when I had gone for a demo. Also later Sachin who was our Product Innovation Lead – used to tease me – Chief What?

So when we went for a reprint had it printed as Chief, Technology. That explains one aspect of my job – the primary role. But there are lot other things I handle daily – support, IS, patching, backups, opening office, UPS rationing, analytics, accounting, server, domain renewals, organize team outings…

Over to Sangeeta. She does Sales, Marketing, Product Management, Support and lot other things like – hunting for the perfect coffee, head hunting, accounting, Weekly quicksters ( check our page on ).

Taking all the factors into consideration – customers,partners,vendors,investors – we finally decided to have functional titles based on our primary roles.

This will be the 3rd reprint of my card and the Title is a little bigger than last years. Curious to know? Will do the handshake next time we meet and give my card ๐Ÿ™‚

So – what are the titles in your startup/organization ?

Couple of tweets I received on this :

ulaar Vishy Kuruganti 


@venkat2 Hmm.. The business card STILL lives on in this day and age? ๐Ÿ˜‰

vivekshukla Vivek Shukla 

You can use “Vision Manager” RT @venkat2: Finding a designation for the Business card is not easy. #startup


Yep – thats the one. Took almost 2 months to finish this monster. Recommended reading for geeks, nerds and all the in betweens.

I first read about Neal Stephenson in a Wired article in 2006. Since then have been on the look out for his books. Every year will go to Strands book facility and will ask them about any of his books – they will draw a blank.

Anyway – found this book in JustBooks in February- the wonderful library chain that has been feeding me books for the last 2 years.

This is one big masala book – has some mathematics ( yep – equations, graphs and all that ), computer stuff of late 90s when the book was written ( Finux is the OS one of the main character uses – I do not know why he did not use the word Linux ), has an elaborate VC/lawyer, entrepreneur battle, nerd culture of late 90s – and of course the whole underlying theme – cryptography.

The book starts during World War II and the interesting stories are only here. Alan Turing and his college buddies fight it out ( one of them is a German and goes back to work for Hitler ). Each party will try to break each other’s cryptosystems and once broken they will do lot of stage managed accidents in order to keep the opposite party from knowing that they have broken the code – so they will not change it.

The present and past keep alternating – and the whole story centers around a ton of Gold buried under a man made lake by a Japanese Naval Captain who would have escaped from an air attack – escape from sharks, land on a cannibal island, escape from them, get captured by a rogue Japanese Army who are the ones secretly stashing tons of Gold. The Captain while designing the elaborate tunnel system will also plan his escape route through that without his bosses knowledge.

The location of the Gold is hidden in an encrypted message which will finally be cracked by our hero ( who uses Finux ) and the story will end with them bombing the gold out.

After reading this book I do not feel awkward to encrypt all my stuff with TrueCrypt and Keepassx – someday will blog on my paranoid setup !

I salute thee Neal Stephenson – you are the next Michael Crichton.