Monday, 29th June
Rest Day. I took my bike and reconnoitred the Aarey colony area where runners go to train. I measured 5kms one way and was quite pleased. I make 4 trips and I can touch 20kms. The landmark there is New Zealand hostel – and there were quite a few ups and downs. It is going to be hard.
Tuesday,30th June
8KM goal.
I continued with the Tibetan book. They have got asylum, and the book has become boring. It is an observation of life in Tibet.
When I had just crossed 5, it started raining and I got back home. My mood also was off beat – lot of things going on and couldn’t focus on running.
Wednesday,1st July
It was sunny and a nice beautiful day. Had a good run and I did not take any walk break. Towards the middle of the run felt like stopping for a walk break, but kept going. The less I stop the timing is better. I have made a run playlist now of my favourite songs and it helped.
Thursday, Friday
Rest days – I am following my self made torture plan. I checked the Nike Running coach – it is asking me to run all days of the week. Nuts.
I had got hold of Prefontaine movie – about an American College athlete, a very good (mercurial) runner who breaks lot of records – and who goes to run 3Mile race in Munich Olympics at the young age of 21. There he witnesses the terrorists killing all the Jew athletes right in the Olympic village. He gets disturbed. The games continue, and he is up against a good runner from Finland. He has a chance of winning silver or bronze, but loses.
Then he gets involved in politics with the American Runners Association etc. and organises a meet against their wishes. He successfully pulls it off, but while preparing for the next Olympics in Montreal – unfortunately dies in a car crash.
His coach goes on to co-found Nike.
This movie is apparently a must watch movie for runners. I did not find that inspiring.
Saturday,4th July
8kms goal.
Last Sunday when I ran 19kms, I had not run the 8kms run the day prior. I did not feel quite happy about that. I think these warm up runs before a long run are important. I made sure I will not miss this run.
Tomorrow is a big day ( Sunday, 23kms ).
It was a good run – it was not raining. A strong runner was in the park today and man he runs fast. Typically only walkers are there, and even the few runners are there I over take them. Today I was shown the place in Kandivali Running circuit.
Sunday,5th July
7:30 AM I was at Aarey Colony. There were a few bikes at the beginning of the trail and I parked it there.
I carried 3 water bottles, a 10Rs little hearts biscuit packet, 200Rs cash and my license. The goal today is 23kms.
It was flat for a km and then I hit the slope – all the way to New Zealand Hostel – a gentle but steady 2km incline. I ran the entire stretch.
I was remembering the first and only half marathon I did in December 2011. I had never run in a slope before – the lake I used to run was flat – and on the marathon day it was the first time I encountered a slope – and it messed me up really bad.
I was quite happy when I saw New Zealand Hostel – and did not stop – continued running. After a while I checked the distance – 5.7kms. There was lot of traffic – bikes, cars, lorries – had to be on the lookout all the time – as the roads were quite narrow.
I retraced the way back, and this time I started walking on the upward slopes. Moment I hit a flat land, or a downward slope I will run.
Had covered 12kms. I got back to the bike, sat down and chugged 1Litre water in one go. Managed to take a photo of the bike and my legs while I was resting. No one had touched my bag – Mumbai is a honest city.
I took a half a litre bottle I had brought with me and started my 2nd iteration. This time I walked the entire 2.5km slope. Running with a water bottle in hand is a first, but it was not that bad.
I was in the last 3km stretch – and it was a downhill slope. I gently ran and found a new way to run in the slope – small steps and I could keep the speed in control.
21.3 kms. In 3 Hours and 8 minutes. A Half marathon done.
My legs were very tired by now. Sat down and chugged half a litre. I was quite hungry now and had the Little Hearts. Next time I will bring Parle biscuit. I tried stretching but my legs were hurting. Quickly got on my bike and got back home. All along the leg muscles were feeling very tight. Regretted not having stretched them. I have to do some minimal stretching no matter what.
After reaching home dipped them in warm water and felt better.
My body was tired. Tried sleeping but my mind was very alert. It was weird. I was recollecting my last half marathon – where I finished last and was in pain when I finished it – and had to limp for the next few days. And not to mention the drama I did before the marathon – eating curd rice for lunch and dinner in the name of carb loading. Also I was a meat eater that time. This time I did not do any fuss and continued the regular vegetarian diet.
Some photos from this beautiful hidden lung space – 200ms from the congested Western Express Highway near Goregaon.
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A few places they had laid good roads – also vehicles come very fast in these stretches |
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This is the treacherous slope – doesn’t look much in photo – bikes,cars switch to 2nd gear.. |
Here is my plan for the next week.
Monday,Tuesday July 6th,7th – Rest.
Wednesday, July 8th – 8kms
Thursday, July 9th – 11kms
Friday,July 10th – Rest.
Saturday, July 11th – 8kms
Sunday,July 12th – 26kms.