Previous : Day 4 – Asansol to Siliguri
It was just 5AM and the day had already broken. Welcome to North East it said. At the distance we could see the mighty Himalayas.
The cold / fever starting feeling had left me. Perhaps it was fatigue and a good night’s rest helped.

Morning again it became a 7:30 AM start. Just couldn’t push the team to even a 6:30 AM start. The host messaged us that Sunday everything is locked down in Shillong and we have to be in quarantine till the tests come out.
We stopped at a grocery before leaving Siliguri and stocked up on the usual junk food – bread, jam, noodles etc.
We left Siliguri and immediately entered a beautiful green stretch – a road we went on in Oct 2018 – when we went to Sikkim. We stopped to stare at Teesta. My earlier memory of it was Green water, but now it was all brown.

There was no stopping at Assam Border and we rolled into Assam. First time ever – for all of us – to come this far into North East of India.
It was all plains till we reached Guwhati. Stretch was quite boring. We listened to interview of Vivek. One of my favourite comedians who had passed away.
While passing Guwahati I called Miran from our team – was just checking on him – he asked for our co-ordinates and he was just 5 minutes away. We decided to meet. He greeted us with a traditional Assamese welcome.

After saying bye to Miran, we started towards Shillong, and missed a turn. While taking an U-turn, noticed the name of the Dhaba at the exact spot was called U-turn Dhaba.

We passed the Meghalaya border and spotted Police stopping all vehicles and directing to the testing centre.

We spent close to 1.5 hours – registration, payment, sample collection, waiting for the receipt – and finally we were off the testing centre.
It took another hour to reach our final destination. It was around 11:30ish I think – the longest road trip we had ever taken in the beautiful country of ours.
Muuwah to my India.