It was a Wednesday morning. Sep 7th. I took Standup from home. Then was on call with Tata AIG Insurance – I had paid for renewal but did not get policy documents. It was expiring on 10th. What if basement gets flooded and insurance is not there. They put me on hold forever and finally I get the document by email. I have an interview at 11:30 AM. Shucks, it was 11:10 already.
I take my trusty Adventure 390. Forget to wear the riding wind cheater I typically wear.

At the SAP Labs turn I spot this MG SUV coming on the wrong side. This is a usual – nothing out of the ordinary. To save petrol many do this – else they have to go a long distance to take U turn to join the road towards Hoodi. That was the direction I was going.

I had just got out of the signal and was at a nice 50/60 or more. I take a split second decision to overtake him on the right, instead of slowing and following or going to the left.

I go quite close to the right of the car.

And suddenly the car is swerving into my line. Damn – he was taking a U turn.
And it happens in a split milli second. I feel my bike hitting the driver door.

My first thought was – something was going to run me over. Thankfully nothing like that happened. The car guy stopped. And no bus/lorry was behind. My lucky day.
The bike had fallen on my left leg and I was pinned. I was shouting – Help lift the bike.
Few people came and lifted the bike. I wiggled out and just lay on the road stunned. It all happened so fast.
Someone tried to hold my shoulder to lift me up, I refused and sat up by myself.
Second thought – hope I have not got a fracture. My left hand where I put on the road while falling was hurting. My left leg was hurting like crazy at lot of places.
Now someone was trying to lift me up. Again I refused and I got up. Meanwhile someone moved the bike to the side of the road. I gingerly walked to the side and sat down.
My Apple Watch was buzzing – I saw that a count down was going on. It had picked up that I had fallen and was about to send an Emergency SOS to San.
She was minutes away from speaking in a conference in Mumbai. It would have spooked her if she had got the message.
I cancel it. Again the watch was asking – Are you sure and gave me few options – It was a wrong alarm, I fell, but I am ok etc.
I spoke with the car guy then. Took photo of his license.Got his number and gave him a missed call – and made him show the phone. Gave him Gyan at the same time. I hope nothing serious has happened – I will not bother you. But please do not ever go on the wrong side again in your life.
He was apologizing but surprisingly I was not angry – either on him or on myself. Yes I was stupid for having gone fast. And without any riding gear.
I see another car just go on the wrong side. I sigh.
The crowd around me was asking the car guy to take me to a hospital. I refuse.
I was observing my legs and hand. Yes it was hurting and burning but I felt it was fine. No Fracture.
I check the bike – it was intact. Nothing broke. Not even the rear view mirror – which typically breaks in such impacts.
I could move my left hand fingers – so knew I could ride back home. It was only 4/5 kms away. Better recuperating at home than sitting in a hospital.
I check for phone, bike key, laptop bag, water bottle. I thank all the kind souls who were there helping me out. Then I get up on the bike.
My left hand was hurting releasing the clutch. Luckily Adventure 390 has quick shifter – to change gears I need not hold the clutch – just change gears with my left leg and gear shifts. Whenever I had to slow I had to use clutch – on U turns and inside AECS Layout.
Knew my left hand was not right. Stopped at a medical shop and got Savlon, Cotton and Volini spray.
Got Home. Cleaned the cuts and bruises. Quite a few were there – mainly on the left leg – knee till ankle. Left elbow. Right elbow. Right knee. There was a deep puncture wound – and bleeding was not stopping. Put cotton and plastered it.
I stopped using my left hand. Turned on Dictation on Mac and was sending messages using it. Quite effective. Attended meetings as usual and a few escalations. Otherwise was seeing Carlsen-Niemann drama. And was reading the flood tweets.

I think I was lying on the puddle. My pant was fully drenched.

Day 2 – today
There was swelling on my left hand. I was worrying if this is a fracture. Kept putting volini, under warm water periodically. Did not give any work to the left hand.
If this does not improve by evening – decided to go see a doctor and get an X-Ray + plaster etc.
Luckily by evening I could move my fingers – grasp and hold things without pain. Could also type a bit.
Now its 10:24PM – typing fluently. Swelling is there – but I am confident left hand will be alright.
1.There are idiots on the road.
Idiots who drive on the wrong side.
Idiots like me who go fast – without any armour protection.
I typically wear a riding jacket, riding pants and boots and gloves on my long rides. A fall like this would have not scratched me even.
But I cannot wear this to office.
Resolution : Never cross 40. With Armour – perhaps 70/80 – but that’s it. I just realised that there was absolutely no time to react. I could not even hit the brake – forget counter steering to go away from the car. Nothing came to my mind. I saw the car swerve into my path and next moment I am lying on the road praying nothing should run me over.
2. Life is so fragile. So unpredictable
I was lucky yesterday. It could have turned fatal. What if I had went under the car. I had absolutely no armour protection – except for the helmet.
Riding a bike is very dangerous. I know it very well – but I have to be extra careful.
Actually I was a bit fatigued. The previous day I woke up at 4 AM – we were in Bahrain to catch a flight to Dubai, stop over there and then to Bangalore and finally got back home around 10PM.
I typically do not drink coffee till mid-day but asked Amma for coffee while attending standup. I was feeling a bit woozy.
Resolution : Never ever ride or drive if I am fatigued. It is just not worth it. Putting my life and others in danger.

That’s me with all my armour – yet to wear gloves – just before embarking on a 6 hour solo trip to Bettamugilaalam and back.This was shot just 2 weeks back by Prithvi, when I dropped him at his Saturday coaching class before I went on the ride.
To all the people who love me. I will be extra careful. I will slow down. Promise.