All posts by haikvr

Don’t join a GYM

Don’t join a Gym. Instead Run.

1. Gym will get boring soon. 

You discover new ways to workout, new machines. Then you set targets – 10 Reps, 15 Reps, 30 Reps and reach them. Then you start getting used to the machines, the reps, the music, the people who come there, the smell. Then you start dragging yourself to Gym. It is like going to office – not fun.

Instead Run – you can create so many variations – Run around a lake, Run inside a Park, Run on a long stretch of road, Run on a treadmill,  Run on a beach, Run on a nice slope, Run on new trials. Run a marathon and get a certificate. Run backwards. Run barefoot. Run in a midnight marathon. Run on Mumbai Sea-link ( my next goal ). You can keep changing the place, pace, time – no two runs are the same.

Running never gets boring. After every run you get a “Runners High” – you have to experience it to understand it. Its addictive too – a good addiction.

2. You need to wait for your favorite treadmill / machine

When you run you need not wait for anyone – the road is always open.

3. You can enjoy nature.

A hot sun beating on you, your tshirt is wet from your sweat and a cool breeze touches you – and you can feel the heat and coolness penetrating your skin – its a wonderful feeling.

4. You are truly green.

You are burning only your own calories when you run. You are not wasting fossil fuels unnecessarily.

5. No Guilt.

You are not paying for a year’s Gym membership and spend the days in guilt when you do not go to the gym. If you don’t feel like running – don’t run. And when you feel like running – you just take off – wherever in earth you are – on a vacation, on a business trip.

You have a free membership to this gym that is available everywhere – 24×7.

Don’t give in to the Gym’s pitches – all you need is a cheap shoe and a good headphone – and just run.

A Runner for the rest of my life.

My 2011 Books Roundup

Books Books Books.. what will I do without you!

Here is the list of books that I crunched last year. If you are curious – here is my list for 2010.

Conversations with God 1,2 and 3 by Neale Donald Walsh

During one of the demos I met this interesting 70 year old Gentleman who suggested these books. The author reaches the bottom pit of his life and cries out in anger to God – Why are you not talking to me – and God responds.

It has got a good mixture of eastern and western philosophy and can help you form your own theory on Religion and God.

For me I did not get any answers, but have more questions in my mind now.

Fifth Mountain by Paulo Coelho

Now I don’t remember what was there in this book. But it was a good timepass and helped killed time on a day train from Coimbatore to Bangalore. You can give this a pass.

The Pixar Touch, Making of a Company

If you love Pixar movies you would like this book.  The Pixar Touch

Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson

Total Geek Novel. Enjoyed it thoroughly.  Cryptonomicon

Enn Inniya Iyanthira by Sujatha

The only Tamil novel I read. I was always curious what this highly regarded novel was all about. This was written in 1980s and I read this one after almost 3 decades. The story happens in the future and is about a robot dog ( the hero of this novel ). This was a weekly running story published in Ananda Vikatan – so is a little jerky and there is not much of a flow. Wish the editors or Sujatha himself had re-written this masterpiece before he logged-out.

Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

Good Time pass, interesting writing style. I recommend this one if you are looking for something light to munch on.  Eat Pray Love

On writing well by William Zinsser

The author is a regular columnist in New Yorker, and also teaches how to write good non-fiction. I am not sure if my writing has improved, but it opened up my eyes to recognize what is good writing.

What I talk about when I talk about Running – Haruki Murrakami

Loved this one. I read this when I had decided to break the 5 km mental barrier I had developed – and wanted to run more. A little disjointed and boring at some places – but if you are a runner you will love the way he talks about his running!  What I talk about when I talk about Running

Born to Run – Christopher McDougall

The 2nd must read book for runners. This one is a good eye-opener to running. Loved this one thoroughly and inspired me to kick off my nike and run on a Bata Canvas shoe. Three Running Myths Busted

Snow by Orhan Pamuk

A heavy one by my favorite author. Middle East fascinates me and this one is about a poet who returns to Turkey. The clash between conservatives and liberals.

Aleph by Paulo Coelho

Brilliant book. Recommend this one –  Aleph by Paulo Coelho

Currently reading the Tibetan book of living and dying. Finding it hard to finish it…but I will finish it nevertheless – I do not give up on books that I start!

My first Half Marathon!

Did It

That was the SMS I sent to Sangeeta at 4:00 AM after finishing my half marathon in the Midnight Marathon held in Whitefield, Bangalore on Dec 11, 2011.

Now to the story.

The Irrational act !

A month back on Nov 11, some one tweeted saying “Registered at Midnight Marathon“. I just clicked on the link and paid 600Rs for the half-marathon. Human progress happens on such irrational acts.

Why was it irrational? : My personal best was 12.5 Kms. The half marathon is 21kms. I thought I can practice harder and increase my mileage.

After signing up for the marathon, I announced on Facebook and even got 13 likes and 5 comments and tips. I duly forgot about the marathon and went on with my work + occasional runs ( I average 6 runs a month – yes its very bad – good runners run almost 4 times a week )

The Panic Attack

Suddenly around Nov 26th I panicked. I SoSed some of my friends and runners I follow on Twitter and got useful tips.

@nilakanta, @_bharath_k,@ulaar and Jayaram Srinivasan ( ex SAP VP and now entrepreneur ) – Thank you guys for the pep talk and encouragement.

Some of the tips I got from them :

* eat curd rice couple of days before the race to load up on carbohydrates

* watch out for the cold in the midnight marathon – it will be good if you can change your t-shirt in the middle of the race

* Just run – thats what running is all about. Don’t over analyze things

* You can easily stretch your 12.5Kms to 21Kms on race day – adrenaline will keep you going.

So I started pushing myself a bit – went for 3 runs on alternate days and ended up with a new pain – “runners knee”.  This was Nov 30th.

The Suspense

The next 10 days was the most harrowing time. I was reading more and more of runners knee – and learnt that I should have been doing strength training exercises – not just running. Now it was too late – so I decided to just take rest and not injure my leg any further.

Twice I was tempted to run but better sense prevailed and stayed at home. Walked gingerly all the time and even got a knee socks kind of thing and wore it now and then hoping it will do some magic.

Race Night

I was very anxious through out the day. We reached around 10:30 pm and I got my first whiff of a marathon event. The atmosphere was electric. So many were walking in shorts and wearing sports shoes, wearing bibs, people stretching, warming up. There was a rockband called “one night stand” playing some oldie hits. I couldnt quite enjoy it as I could only think of the race.

Thats me with my Bib – 764 and Prithvi – who was excited all day since we told him that we will be all going to the midnight marathon.

  Also there was a timing chip – which I tied to my shoe lace – after seeing some one near me tie it to the shoe lace. I was planning to put the chip on my pocket 😉  At the race start and at the mid way mark where we turn around – there is an RFID sensor placed underneath a red carpet – which will give a beep when it detects the chip.

Around 11:40 PM went to the race line. A huge crowd was there already. Here are some snaps from the starting line :

My Running Accessories : Bata Canvas Shoe, Sennheiser headphone, SGS Android phone with Cardio Trainer App for tracking time and distance

The ambulance was reassuring. Also behind my Bib had to write emergency contact person name and mobile, blood group, alergies to any medications etc.

My Cheer Party!
Just before the start

The Race

At 12 precisely the race started. There were drums at the entrance and people were cheering. After the first bend it was quite and all I can hear was the sweet thump of foot hitting the road – and ahead of me – for the entire stretch that I can see where heads bobbling rhythmically. It was beautiful the very sight.

We were to complete 5 laps for the Half Marathon ( 10 laps for Full Marathon ) – each one was around 4Kms. I typically alternate between running and walking – and keep increasing my running time and reducing the time I walk. My knee pain did not surface and I was very much relieved.

The course had 3 slopes. I have never practiced on a slope and I found that it was hard to run on an upward slope. I had to redo my strategy and started walking on upward slope – this totally messed up my rhythm – but I didnt mind much as I was enjoying the whole experience. When I crossed 1Km I saw the Ethiopian runners on the opposite side – they were already returning from the half way mark. Just watched them with my mouth open !

I managed Laps 1 and 2 pretty smoothly.

And it gets tough

I reached my 12.5km mark without much trouble and felt elated. I typically average 7Kms per hour, but this time it was 6.5Kms per hour…because of the slope walking.

Then I felt a tinge at the back of my right knee. This always surfaces when I cross 12kms ( and this is the reason I stop running after that and go home ). I knew what was coming – so stopped stretched, ate a banana and gulped some gatorade in one of the stations. I completed Lap 3 running.

The pain was pretty acute now and so I stopped and rested again. Did some more stretching and ran gingerly putting more weight on my left leg ( earlier this was the problem leg with shin splints – thankfully I am beyond that now )

By the time I was returning on the 4th lap I knew I could not run in this race anymore. The right leg will not bend. Also since I was putting more pressure on my left leg, started getting pain around the knees on left leg too.

The last lap

I walked slowly to the finish line at the end of lap 4. The experienced half marathoners were completing their runs and the newbies like me were walking or slowly jogging.

I went and sat. I had carried Volini – a pain ointment my mother uses – and applied it generously on my knees. Removed my shoe and let my toes breathe – they were literally burning.

I did not bother looking at the clock as I knew it will depress me. I took a deep breathe and started walking. I had another 4+ kms ahead – and it looked very far. I was literally dragging my right leg as bending it would send pain waves through my leg.

Most of the half marathoners had completed by now and only the full marathoners were now running or were also walking. But they walked briskly and also jogged – unlike me.

One kind soul while over taking me said – walk briskly sir thats all you have to do. I just smiled at him and said Thanks!

I dropped the idea of sitting and resting – as I knew the last time I sat and applied ointment I had a tough time getting up. Lot of thoughts were buzzing in my head. Why the heck did I even decide to run? This is it – I kept thinking – I am not going to run any more Marathons ever. I tried to banish such thoughts but the negativity in me was going on increasing.

To shut up the devil in my head I started focussing on the pain. The toes were literally burning, there was a sensation of a tight pull above my knees and also a searing pain behind my knee. I tried diverting my mind to think of positive things – but the negative thoughts started coming and it was making me angry and wanted to give up – so I started focussing on the pain again.

I think focussing on the pain strategy might have worked. I reached the mid way point and was elated. Phoo – just 2 Kms more. I was certain at this point that I would be completing the race.

I did not stop for any refreshments but kept walking dragging my right leg literally. I had become an expert on my pain  as I had been observing it so much. I literally lost track of how long I was walking and I started hearing drums – I was getting closer to the finish line.

The finish

I registered my final beep on the RFID scanner and crossed the finish line. I need not turn back for any more laps. I had such a surge in emotion that very moment. I walked very slowly and found a chair and slouched on it.

A kind organizer came to me and asked if I was alright. I had a tough time talking and said yes, Thank you. He let me alone and went away ( later he would come back give me a bourbon biscuit packet saying apologetically – this is all I could get! – he had no idea how grateful I was  ). I was basking in pure joy. The pain was still there but I did not mind it anymore. I just sat there stretching my legs. I could see the full marathoners turning back for their remaining laps.

The kind soul who asked me to walk briskly was coming towards the finish line. I clapped and he saw me – he put his thumbs up and smiled. He went back on his lap – don’t know who that person is – wish I had shouted to ask for his twitter handle.

Here are some screenshots of my phone.

My home screen – always shows the calories burnt from previous runs – was 0  at the start of the race. 
My running graph captured by Cardio Trainer

And for the time I took to complete this race – it is pretty embarrassing when I think of it – this is the typical time runners take to complete a full marathon. Anyway I can only do better next time – that is guaranteed 🙂
Thankfully I have no blisters or swelling – the poor muscles in my legs are just tired I guess. My confidence on running has only increased –  I will try to run smarter – run on slopes and also try to mix up strength training to my routine. 

Now to the devil in my head – I will participate in marathons again and again – year after year. I will try to better my time, will aim for 42 kms and more. You sir, the devil in my head, can go take a hike!

Aleph by Paulo Coelho

I am getting back to Paulo Coelho after a very long time. The last one was disappointing – “The winner stands alone”,

This book – Aleph – hits me at a time when I am going through a spiritual turmoil sort of. 
I have told this incident to a few folks, but never in this blog – long back in December 2010 – I ran out of Petrol on my bike. A very first in my history. I pushed the bike for more than a kilometer, and managed to buy some questionable looking fluid and resumed my journey.
I was to meet a gentleman to show a demo of our product – and I was late by 1 bloody hour. He waited patiently for me even though it was already his lunch time and did not cancel the appointment.
We spoke for an hour about the product and then we started chatting – what I read, what is my philosophy. He then said this :
“Venkat, do you think we meeting at this moment is coincidental? It is all planned”
Yeah yeah I thought – have heard that one before. Was being polite and just smiled as I did not agree or disagree with it. 
He then gave me 9 book titles – 3 of them I have read so far. The 3 are – Conversations with God 1,2 and 3 by Neale Donald Walsch ( another incredible story this author has – from a homeless man to a best selling author ).
What I am going to write below is a gist of things I have read both from the 3 books and Aleph. 
* We are all one soul – yes you me and everyone.
* God is manifesting in us to discover who he is 
* There are infinite parallel worlds – right now right this minute I am living another life in another time
* Dreams are like a snapshot into these parallel existences
* There are 3 things – Mind, Body and Soul. Soul is actually unhappy when it is trapped – but it is the only way the soul can experience its being
* Death is beautiful – when the secret is revealed and soul is liberated ( remember Steve Job’s last words : Oh Wow ! )
* The soul choses what it wants to do in this life – but the mind and body do not allow the soul to do what it wants for various reasons – dogma, fear etc. ( Alchemist : The soul knows – just follow the heart )
* What the soul learns in previous life it brings to this life – the present is a product of the past and future ( yeah its weird but its all parallel remember )
* The whole world is actually going towards euphoria ( the old Gentleman said this same thing ) – as in each reincarnation the soul seeks and reconciles with its previous / future conflicts.
* Religion – the way it has evolved is not right. – this is my humble opinion.
I will leave it here. Try these books – even if you do not agree and read it for entertainment value – will give you a different perspective to who we are and why we are here? 
Aleph is not in the same league as Alchemist – it is more profound and there are some brilliant passages where Paulo Coelho talks about love, loss, gift and particularly one on what is Hell and Heaven – this book deserves a second read. 
One word of caution though – if you have never read Paulo Coelho before do not start with Aleph. Start with Alchemist, and see if you can get hold of The Pilgrimage too – his personal experience that made him a writer that he is now. Then start on Aleph – he is a genius  and you will mis interpret him if you read Aleph first.

ApartmentADDA turns 3 Years!

We launched ApartmentADDA on Nov 12th, 2008 and today this site turns 3 !

I think it is apt to look at the analytics like how we would look at a kid – how tall he or she has grown! The above snapshot is from Google Analytics of Visitors from the beginning of time till today.

The mini spike after Nov 2008 was on January 2009 – when I informed about this venture in my batch’s email list. Facebook had not taken off then yet.

The next big spike after Nov 2009 was on January 2010 – when Bangalore Mirror put us on Front page! Today we get more than 3 times that much traffic in a day.

Google Analytics now gives realtime reporting – it is surreal to watch the clicks and the dots show up on the world’s map.

So what is next for this kid? “Changing Orbits” of course – quoting our good friend and mentor Mr.Sharad Sharma.

Speed, Distance, Pain-free Running – Pick 2

Here is an equation that dawned on me today while running. It is quite simple.

a) Speed at which you can run.
b) Distance that you can cover.
c) Running without any pain or injuries.

You can only have two of the above.

Obviously c) has to be selected – cannot imagine a life with pain – unless you are Zahir Khan or one of the sissy Indian cricketers who always feign pain in order to skip playing and go act in more Ads.

That leaves us to pick either a) or b). So if you have only 30 minutes to run – run as fast as possible for a short distance. If you have lot of time on hand – run as far as possible – but slowly with enough breaks.

At times these constraints are a real PITA – but that’s life – we should just try to make the most of it.

CyanogenMod on Samsung Galaxy S and 3 Button fix

I did not brick my phone this time. And now I am on CyanogenMod 7 – with Gingerbread. It looks beautiful and is very responsive ( thanks to the Hardcore’s Speedmod kernel ) – Samsung Galaxy S feels like a new phone once again.

Some of the SGS had the 3 button method ( Volume button  + Home + Power key ) to reboot into Recovery or Download mode disabled –  which is essential to install any kernels or ROMS. 
The trick was to enable the 3 Button Fix and it becomes easy to install ROMS. In my previous failed attempt I tried to accomplish the same using adb and bricked my phone. (
1. Root SGS
This is quite simple. Download SuperOneClick from shortfuse ( ) and root the phone.
2. Enable the 3 button fix
If you can go to download / recovery mode with the 3 buttons you can skip this step. Use the below link and it worked without any hiccups : Has links to Odin and a PDA file which will enable the 3 buttons.
There is a similar article in – you can give it a pass.

One word of caution : ALWAYS read the comments before you get your hands dirty. I read horror stories of some Samsung Galaxy S 4G ( newer models ) that got completely bricked as this is not supported.

3. Now I can install ROMs using Clockworkmod. The instructions in cyanogenMod wiki were so straightforward it was as simple as installing Ubuntu ( from Version 6 I guess ) and the whole process was done under 2 minutes.

Here are some screenshots – I could not take the lock screen though – it came out blank. There are 5 “pages”. The one in the middle is the landing zone.

To the left I put my “fun” stuff

Further left is google+, twitter and facebook.

To the right of my home is “work”

Yet to organize better. And guess what – the bottom tray – even that is configurable. The = sign is the calculator – yet another reason why android can never beat iOS. I can drag any app to this dock – something I could not do in Froyo ( don’t know if this is a Gingerbread thingy or Cyanogenmod’s gift )

And so far the phone responds really fast and had no app crashes. I doubt if there is any improvement on battery life – it is already visibly down ( had a 1.2 hour run today morning with GPS and music player on ), and was playing music at home through an amplifier after that. I saw a setting where I can switch the CPU for performance or battery.. right now it is in optimal setting.

And btw – these things void your warranty – but totally worth doing it. If you have a SGS and want it rooted just ping me – I can help you.

Finally – great work Cyanogenmod team – simply amazing.

Steve Jobs is Howard Roark

Claimer : This is not a post to mourn but to Celebrate Steve Jobs. 

I read Ayn Rand’s FountainHead in 2008. A life changing novel.

If you haven’t read here is a gist.

The hero of the book is Howard Roark. 
He hates the old school architecture – where you have the professors expecting one to design buildings with 18th Century architecture – the pillars and ornate designs. Howard Roark could not stand this “apeing” and refuses to follow the college’s dictum and drops out and moves to New York to start his own design firm.
At the same time – Peter Keating, his fellow student, graduates with top honors and moves to New York.  The first half of the story is all about how Peter Keating’s career rises while Howard Roark is rejected by the System and he goes to work as a day laborer in a mine quarry and as a construction worker. 
The second half is all about how Howard Roark’s style of architecture is accepted and creates a new School of Thought. He creates a design secretly for Peter Keating which wins an architectural award by the same people who rejected Howard Roark. 

In the end, Howard Roark Wins. 

Towards the end of the book I almost believed that a Howard Roark existed. I was so fascinated by the idea of a single “man” revolutionizing an entire industry.

Whenever I heard about Steve Jobs or read about him – the picture of Howard Roark kept coming to my mind and I secretly believe Steve Jobs is Howard Roark!

Here is one man – who was instrumental in creating not one – but many industries.

1. The PC Industry

You and I would still be stuck with the ‘dumb’ terminals with green fonts had not the visionary Steve Job spotted the whizkid Steve Woznaik tinkering on a project.

2. CGI Animated Movies

Animation was just another special effect in a movie – until Pixar came along created those magical CGI animated movies.

3. Glamorous OS

It was love at first sight when I first saw Puma in 2001 – borrowed from NeXT OS. If you enter a wrong password the login dialog box would shake like a head refusing to accept the answer – an OS can be fun and elegant while still doing the OSy stuff. Was a convert from that day onwards.

4. Portable Music Device

iPod. What a simple elegant device ( except the fat nano ). Apple did not invent the hard drive based mp3 player, nor the clickwheel – but took them to the next level.

5. Online Media

People wrongly attribute the success of Apple’s Digital Media Offerings to iPod – but the secret is iTunes – it made the process of media consumption easy.

6. Podcasts

What will I do without them? Twit, Car Talk, Macworld podcast, TED Talks – all at my finger tips waiting to soak my brain whenever I run or for a long journey to kill time.

7. Smart Phones and Tablets

My Brother in law bought a Nokia smartphone in 2007 – it had a touch screen, a gyroscope etc. It was jerky and will freeze now and then. I liked the touch concept but did not excite me. Then came iPhone and elevated the SmartPhones to an entirely new level. And alongside the “App Industry”.

This man had Taste and Instinct like no other. He created multiple industries. He turned around Apple from the brink of death. He brought smile to millions of kids and adults. He inspired so many entrepreneurs to go against the current.

The world is a better place because of him.

In the end, Steve Jobs won.

Three Running Myths Busted

I love running.

I was never an athletic person – whenever there was a race, I was the last, play any competitive physical sport with me and I assure you I would have made you triumphant. As a kid I never cared much about sports and hated PT classes. However I discovered running the last couple of years and it was just what the Doctor ordered. I set my own pace, listen to a podcast and I am content and happy.

I touched 10km a few months back and I celebrated. Then I pushed to 12km and a nagging pain started – “shin splints”. Read all about it and in the process came to know the names of other minor pains I was having. So I tweeted

venkat2 venkat kandaswamy 

dear runner friends – did any of you have shin splints.. I am touching 12 km and having this pain.. any help/pointers appreciated

got a few replies

knowsnotmuch knowsnotmuch 

@venkat2 yeah it does creep slowly. Back off a bit, increase gradually when you get back and examine how you land on your feet when you run

knowsnotmuch knowsnotmuch 

@venkat2 got it when i touched 6-7km because I pushed too quickly. It put me out of action and it took me ages to recover. Ease up a little.

khushnood khushnood 

@venkat2 have you read ‘born to run’ by Chris Mcdougall ? It could help.

A book suggestion – wow! – immediately I grabbed Born to Run and started crunching it.

The author who writes in a sports journal is also a runner and is always in pain because of his runs. He meets various podiatrists, physiotherapists and the answer is always the same – slow down on running, human body is not supposed to take so much of shock while running. 
Then on a trip to Mexico he reads an article about a runner tribe – Tarahumara – who run for days in one of their parties (tesguinado) and the winners usually are the veterans at the age of 60s, they just wear a handmade sandal and run on hostile terrain. They contradict everything we have come to know of running.

This leads him to Kabayo Blanco, an american who has is now living with the Tarahumarians and follow their simple life style. They arrange for a run where the best of ultra runners in America ( an ultra is > than a marathon – 160 KMs and even more, while a marathon is only 42Kms ) – come to the Copper Canyons and they run with the Tarahumara.

While the story progresses Chris Mcdougall keeps uncovering interesting facts about running.

Myth 1 : You need sophisticated shoes.

I love conspiracies and this one is about a $20 Billion industry started by Nike. Prior to 1970s – there were no shin splints, plantar fascilitis, over pronation, plica syndrome or the running ailments that are so common today. Then Nike was born and it made a good shoe ( Nike Pegasus ) – which had a thin sole and was great for running. Then the Capitalist greed kicked in and Nike started retiring their successful models every 10 months.

Nike gave more and more support and cushion to the feet – and the feet forgot how to run how the way the human body was supposed to run. All the nerves in our human body that starts in the brain – ends in the feet ( Some 70,000 or so ). Whenever the feet touches the ground it is taking a snapshot of the temperature, the hardness of the surface etc. – and this feedback is used to plan the next step.

a) When the feet is put in a nice comfortable soft shoe – the brain thinks that it has to put more force on the next step for stability as it feels its on soft ground and has to plant the leg firmly.

b) Also the way the shoe is designed ( thicker heel ) – the body lands on the heel – and the shock wave gets multiplied. Our foot is designed to land on the toes to dissipate the shock.

so a) makes your foot to land harder and b) makes you land the whole body on the wrong place – a) x b) has a multiplicative effect on the “wrong” way of running – and it leads to pain.

This brings us to the “barefoot movement” – people are kicking their shoes off and running barefoot – as the best shoe is “nothing”.

This was an ahaa moment for me – it made complete sense. My running shoe ( which I got free for a Reebok sandals that I got 5 years back ) has a thin sole but still has a nice cushion at the heel. I started noticing that I was landing on my heel. I contemplated running bare foot – but before that I want to get the cheapest Bata canvas shoe and give it a shot. The road has got lots of dirt and sharp objects – do not want to take chances.

This book just saved me a few thousands of rupees. One of the things I was going to do was get a more fancy, cushiony Nike or Reebok shoe – thinking it will ease my pain. Myth busted.

Myth 2 : Woman cannot run.

This one is for the Wife who I am encouraging her to run with me. There are stories of 2 lady ultra marathoners – one a school teacher who has won so many ultra marathons and one a young upcoming ultra marathoner – both have no special training – but they beat the best American runners and even beat the Tarahumara tribe’s best runners. As the distance increases – women seem to beat men – as their endurance levels are much higher.

Men are wimps when it comes to pain. I keep crying all the time that my feet hurt, my shin hurts.

However a woman can experience an incredible amount of pain during child birth and can laugh about it later.

Also the human body was designed to run – as the title of this book “Born to run”. We are not supposed to walk or pump irons or pull fancy weights in gym – but run. This is the best way to exercise and can ward off diabetes, hypertension, back pain and whole lot of ailments brought to us thanks to the progressive and lazy lifestyle. The whole body reacts beautifully to running – I am no longer a coffee addict – I drink coffee when I am bored – thats all.

So ladies rethink again if you have any doubts on running – the “Men” have spread lot of mis information and taken away your right to run. Second Myth – Woman cannot run – is also busted.

Myth 3 : You need to be a carnivore if you have to run.

Another eye-opener. The best ultra marathoner ever – Scott Jurek – who has won 7 titles in his career and has won in all hostile environments – turned a vegetarian. The tarahumara are vegetarians. There are these monks in Japan who run 70 miles every day for 7 years.. ( as they reach Nirvana daily by running ) – eat just Tofu and veggies.

Animal protein is bad for the human body. It brings cancer and also gets stored as fat. Like all the studies – we were not supposed to process animal flesh. It is bad for running. There are issues with water retention and fat build up. Also when you are a vegan – your body is more supple, leaner and can run better, faster and longer – I am sold.

Other than the humanitarian and ecological aspects of turning Vegan – the running angle appeals to me a lot. Already I am cutting down on my carnivorishness – and I am now following the Veggie on auspicious days strictly ( Monday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday) – and planning to expand it to all 7 days so I can joke like my good friend Sathya [ he is a Vegetarian and will joke – oh I do not eat meat today – because its  ____day ]

Myth 3 busted – you need to be a carnivore to run.

So thats all folks – all the pre conceived notions I have about running are all over turned. Thank you Christopher McDougall, Barefoot Ted, Scott Jurek, Kabayo Blanco ( search these names on You Tube and you can see videos, TED Talks, interviews ) and Harruki Murrakami. You guys have changed me for the better.

An Identity Crisis!

Whoosh… that is how the time went the last 3 years. Sep 18th, 2008 – the day the Lehman Brothers collapsed and the sub prime crisis erupted – I started my entrepreneurial journey.

3 years down the lane – I still feel young and wide eyed. And this brings us to an identity crisis I am having. How do I introduce myself to strangers? Earlier it was easy – I work for an IT company and the other party just imagines me walking in with a laptop bag, boarding a flight to US of A and bringing back lot of foreign chocolates – and of course living the high life and someone who can afford the high rents and bribes. [ honestly this is not true, and I am always frustrated when the non-ITians think that we are having an easy life ]

Now I honestly do not know how to introduce myself.  Here are the few attempts :

I run a startup. The problem is – it is now my 4th year. How long will i keep starting should I not have started up by now? Also it feels as if I am toying with an idea or a business model – and the other party might not take me seriously. Anyone else other than the entrepreneurial community will not even understand the term “startup” correctly. So I stopped using this.

I run a business. This I tell with the least confidence. Because to me a business man is one who wears a suit / dhoti ( I was b&bup from Coimbatore ) , chews paan, has a waddle of cash, is chauffeured around in a car, tips heavily,speaks loudly to everyone, and is on phone all the time. I am none of them – and I do not sound confident because something inside me is trying to shut my mouth when I use this introduction.

I am an entrepreneur. It took ages for me to get the spelling right. And I attended a french class for 2 weeks – not that it helped but at least I can tell it is a french word. Aside anything that sounds french is cool ( expose, creme-da-la-creme, fiancee ). I love this introduction – however the majority cannot identify this word.

I have my company. Lame.. Doesnt excite me one bit – how will the other party even talk to me after such a dead introduction.

Hopefully by next year I should have a good introduction. Till then I will shake hands and tell the first thing that comes to my mind and keep trying various options.