All posts by haikvr

The U Turn Trip

True Story. This was the trip we took on 1st week of March to Coimbatore.

We were to start at 11:30 after Prithvi’s school was over. But San and I had meetings which never got over. It was 2 by the time we left home.

I took the Dog Cat and luggage and loaded the car. San and Charu were to come but they were taking time. Later I came to know that first San forgot to take her Mask. Then something else – 3 times she opened the door and went in. On her 3rd entrance, she went and sat. Charu asked – why are you sitting? San had said – this is to make it look as if we are starting new.

We just rolled out of the Apartment Complex and San got a call. A courier had come for her. We took U turn to go and pick it. U turn No. 1

Finally we left AECS layout and we were cruising towards Varthur – when I realised it was already 2PM. San wanted to go to A2B to eat Chinna Vengaya Oothapam. But it will be another 1.5 hours. Didn’t make sense. Also it was damn hot. Near A2B there is not a single tree in the parking lot and Sufi would have got cooked, or one of us has to stay back in the car with the AC on.

I suggested, shall we go to Kapoor’s cafe. Everyone liked it. I suggested Kapoor’s cafe because behind it there are trees in the parking lot and Sufi will remain cool.

U turn No.2 was thus taken.

In the previous Coimbatore Adventure bike trip, on the return we had stopped on a road side Bakery just before Krishnagiri.

It was around 5 and I vaguely remembered that place. I remember a single tree near which I parked the bike. Amma said she remembered seeing in the cover the name Venkateshwara. We kept looking on the right but no Venkateshwara came.

Then I remembered crossing a Dhaba and then stopping for this bakery. I saw the Dhaba on the right and took the service road to go under the bridge to join the opposite road.

However after we went under the bridge the service road did not join back onto the highway.

U turn No.3 was taken – we retraced the way and joined the highway towards Coimbatore.

Then I found another break on the highway and I took it. U turn No. 4

Now after I crossed the Dhaba was driving slowly on the left and finally spotted the bakery.

There was no single tree, but 4 trees. And the name of the bakery was Amrutha. The owner has 4 other bakeries with that name -was reusing the covers. This one is newly opened. We were all happy.

After we had tea and light snacks, we went towards Bangalore and took another U turn – U turn No. 5 to get back to Coimbatore.

It was around 7 or 8 I don’t remember. We had to take another break – we had crossed Salem and were approaching Erode. A rest room break was needed and Sufi had to be fed.

I was sitting on the last row this time, San was driving and spotted an interesting restaurant on the road. Kumki restaurant it said. It was not crowded and I saw green grass. Sufi would love to walk on it and do her thing

Told San – take the next U turn. So U turn No.6 to reach Kumki.

We had so many other U turns once we reached Coimbatore!

Sunday we started around 11:00 ish – after having a late breakfast. We were about to take the highway when I asked San to set the directions for the Cold Press Oil Shop – which is off the highway near Perundurai.

She had left her phone in the home!

U turn No. 7.

This was a trip of U Turns!

Sorry Chickens and Fish

I have turned back to being a Non-Vegetarian after 6 or so years.

Somewhere in 2019 I decided to go back on my decision on being a Vegetarian.

Trigger came in the form of a weird Viral fever. I had joint points and that was the time I felt a chicken soup will do good.

Also I was feeling a kind of numbness on my finger tips. The Good Doctor Kamala Benson ( she passed away unfortunately ) – said – your body is saying it needs some Sodium. Can you prescribe some tablets? She said – just have some pickle. And yes, I was craving for some spicy pickles that time.

It was an ahaa moment. I shouldn’t put these unnecessary boundaries. The body knows what it wants.

Any food has some good nutritive elements in it. By rejecting particular food groups, we are depriving the body of important nutrition. I know it is a lame justification – if I put my mind I can find better quality nutrients in the vegetarian world. I did contemplate becoming a vegan when I did lot of research and it is possible to kick off meat completely without any compromise.

When we go out it is always a tense moment till the order is placed – I being the lone guy who is a vegetarian. When I announced my decision to accept non vegetarian food all where happy.

However I now brand myself a reducitarian. If I have a vegetarian option I always opt for it. I do not drink alone when I am out – similarly. Till date have not ordered non vegetarian when I am alone outside. I allow people with me to order chicken or fish dishes – I take the gravy, and a couple of pieces.

Yes I do feel guilty and feel like a hypocrite. There is conflict in me when I eat Non vegetarian food.

Last Sunday, after almost a month first time tasted chicken – AMma makes this delicious green gravy… she is very happy that I am eating once again – but I didn’t enjoy that much I used to enjoy once.

Perhaps I can never enjoy chicken like I used to.

Sorry Chickens and Fish.

Ride to Bheemeshwari

Breakfast at Kamat Loka Ruchi

It was a Saturday and we started late. A car and me in my bike. Google showed the route through the city and not the Nice road. Mistake.

Bangalore – Mysore traffic is back with a vengeance. The Metro constructions and the road widening has made it unrideable.

Note to self : Never ever go through the city to reach Mysore Road. Take the Nice road. Always.

Reached Kamat around 10:30 AM – just when they were shutting down Morning breakfast. Had AKka Roti, bit of Kadubu and Poori. I think it was sort of an anti climax – food wasn’t that great. I liked our neighbourhood Udupi food better.

Kamat to Bheemeshwari

This was the best part of the entire trip. It was through winding village roads.

First time I confidently leaned the bike. Tried recollecting the few lessons I learnt from Youtube on cornering. When I approach a curve I let go off the throttle. Then lean. If I see a straight I raise the throttle, but if there is another curve I will not raise the throttle till I pass it.

It was lot of fun.

San joined me for this stretch. She was mighty impressed with the bike when I went from 90 to 30 and almost a stop instantly. When I took a test ride this is the exact same thing that I was sold on. Not the fancy features ( ahem that too ), but the deciding factor was the Sharp breaking Adventure does.

We reached around 1:00 PM ish. There is absolutely no network coverage. And the place is filthy. Full of plastic and broken bottles. We tried going to the water, but turned back.

Food is another problem. We had 60+ ers in our group and did not want to starve them. We found simple lemon rice and curd rice in one of the roadside shops.

The shops rent out Gas cylinders and vessels. Most were cooking their own food.

A little effort from the administration and from the junta visiting this place could have made this place a heaven. Such a beautiful river and what a mess we have made. We humans are the most disgusting species. Sorry aliens – I am not proud of my own species.

Return stop at Chikku Farm

Return we decided to take the Kannakapura road. It was good – a few diversions but I could ride fast.

We decided to stop at A2B – but I spotted a cool road side cafe – stopped to check and liked it. Messaged the car people to stop here. It was a good decision. The place was deserted, food was quite affordable ( Rs.60 for a roll – Not at all Bangalore rates ) and the place was beautiful.

Chikku Farm to Home – 2 Hours +

We checked Google Maps before leaving Chikku Farm – it said 2 hours and distance was only 60kms.

Thought perhaps Google was wrong. Apparently I was wrong. There was lot of diversions and construction and hell lot of traffic. Saw Art of living Ashram and knew there was light at the end of the tunnel – was almost at the Nice road now.

Paid the toll and entered Nice road. Then it was bliss. I sticked to the 2 wheeler lane – lot of 2 wheelers were going in that and I decided to follow the crowd. Now and then will stray to the 2 lanes to overtake a few 2 wheelers.

Once I got out of Nice Road it was Saturday evening / night traffic. Bellandur was a mess. Outer Ring Road was busy, but at least traffic was moving.

Finally reached home. It was exhausting. Butt was aching. The air cushion I got seems to have punctured already. I have to either get used to the stock seat or do some juggad.

Wondering if this trip was worth the pain? Yes. The ride from Kamat to Bheemeshwari to Chikku Farm was fully worth it. For a Bangalore rider – living in Whitefield – I have to live with this escaping and returning back to traffic.

1st Adventure Ride – Bang-Cbe-Bang

It has been 3 weeks since I had the bike. Over the weekends I will go for a ride to put kilometers on the bike. But it wasn’t enough. I will hardly add 50 odd kms over the weekend.

I had to do the first service within 45 days or 1000 Kms. I could only touch 250kms max. This was clearly not working. I would not be able to touch 1000kms. This bike is going to take me to Himalayas someday – and wanted it to be set right.

What if we do a trip to Coimbatore? I hesitatedly floated the idea to San and she gave thumbs up. She will drive the car with Amma, Prithvi, Charu, Coco and Sufi. Amma was excited – first trip after 1.5 years to Cbe. So she did not protest much on me coming by bike.

Jan 26 Chutti was coming up. It was a Tuesday. So a quick plan was made.We leave on Saturday. Work on Monday. Return Tuesday. But there was a twist. Prithvi had an online interview ( we were trying for Isha Home School ) on Saturday 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM.

I kept oscillating between, let us start on Friday afternoon, reach Coimbatore and P can take his exam. Or start early morning on Saturday and reach before 2PM.

But San was clear – let P take the online exam from the comfort of his home. So he can play his Piano if needed. One constraint was fixed – so my mind oscillations stopped.

We were to start after P finish’s his exam.

Friday Night – day before ride

People at home were talking about the serial Bharathi Kannamma. This reminded me of the movie Ninaithalae Innikum I saw when I was a school kid. There is a song by that very name. A lovely movie. I played it on youtube and got the urge to see the movie.

Being a Friday night – I started seeing it. All the songs are lovely. And I ended up watching the full movie. It runs for 2.5 hours or so.

Here is the movie if you want to enjoy this. Somewhere in the middle there is a full song with just the words : Ninaithaalae Innikum.

Saturday Morning

Watching the movie was a mistake. I find it hard to sleep after 6AM – thanks to Covid more or less I sleep off by 10 to 10:30 PM and wake up around 6 daily. I was very groggy. Also with the upcoming trip excitement couldn’t sleep properly.

Around 11 AM I went downstairs to fill petrol for both the bike and car. I was moving the bike suddenly remembered I had to fetch something, and I leaned the bike to put it on stand, and dropped it. I had not put the side stand down.

In all my YouTube watching of bikers – they had taught techniques to lift the bike up.

I tried lifting and could manage. Phoo. The same thing happened the day of the Bang-Mumbai-Bang trip. Felt it is a good omen.

Then the day went in running errands for the trip preparation. I had earlier got a riding boot and a pant. Wanted to do a test ride with them so I am comfortable – but did not find time to test it out. Will be doing the grand inauguration of these on the first ride.

Saturday 5 PM

Finally the time arrived. San and the family and our cat and dog – all started in the car and pushed off. I quickly caught and overtook them stuck in the traffic.

This is the Whitefield to Attibele via Varthur. I have travelled on this multiple times – and I breezed through it and soon crossed the Attibele Toll.

Reached Adayar Ananda Bhavan just before Krishnagiri and waited for the car to come. There was a good amount of traffic and the car was quite behind.

Saturday night 6:30 PM – Ride continues

Nowadays I sleep at 10:00 ish and not sure I can stay awake. The ETA is now around 12:30 AM Midnight. In another 2 – 3 hours will be in Salem. Near the A2B there is a small hotel we can crash for the night – so plan B was made that if either of us get sleepy we will stay at the hotel. And we resumed our journey.

I started enjoying the ride. The dimming sun light and the evening cool breeze was putting me in good spirits. The night ride was fantastic. Less variables to drink in – just the dark road ahead lit with the headlight and the vehicles tail lights.

I was afraid I will get a headache or my eyes will get tired. But nothing of that sort happened. The grogginess I had the entire day was gone entirely. Perhaps it was as the anticipation of the ride? I was fully alert throughout this trip.

I have travelled this road – Bangalore to CBE multiple times – so did not have the need to consult a map. In a way it was good – while getting used to the bike one variable if it is less – especially the map.

We crossed the micro Ghat section that comes after Sai Sangeet. I did not try cornering – even though I was tempted. A empty loaded lorry guy was driving like a maniac and was not being able to slow down and was cutting across lanes not wanting to slow down. I stayed behind him and did not overtake till I got out of the Ghat section.

The agreement was whoever crosses the toll – has to wait for the other. Also I had put Life360 app on both our phones – so we could track realtime where the other is.

We kept stopping at tolls – and in one of the tolls fed Sufi and took the dog out for her night walk.

The last section was very boring. Thankfully it was a three laner – between Perundurai and Coimbatore. I started following cars who were going at 100Kmph+.

Finally reached home around 12:30 AM.

Reached destination.

The next couple of days the bike was being tested by Achu. Had to tell him to keep within 50kms because my ride back will be another 350 kms and I will be close to touching 1000kms.

On Tuesday, Jan 26th – started back to Bangalore around morning 7AM. Till we crossed Erode it was quite misty.

Finally around 3 PM or so we reached home.

The entire trip took 2 full tanks – around 20Liters. Bike was giving an average of 34 kms+.

First Adventure ride done.

2020 Books Round Up

My yearly tradition – the first blog post of every year start with a round up of books I read in 2020.

Here is the list from 201011121314151617, 18, 2019

Science Fiction

  1. Supernova Era by Cixin Liu

Cixin Liu is my favourite Sci-Fi Author. His Three Body Problem is a master piece. Even if you don’t like Sci-Fi you should read it. It is that good. They should make this a compulsory reading in school.

Supernova Era is another brilliant story on how a supernova explosion kicks off a Radiomagnetic wave which kills all humans above 13 years old. The entire word is now run by 13 year olds and lesser age.

How the world prepares to hand over, and how the kids handle it is the story. I finished listening to this and Corona 2019 happened. I used to joke to the kids at home – all the adults are going to die with Corona and now it is unto you kids to manage.

2. Fall or Dodge in Hell – Neal Stephenson

Neal Stephenson’s books are all a grind. 1000+ pages and once you start this book you get sucked into his world and stay there till you finish the book.

Story is about freezing a human brain. Then they figure out how to digitise it. The story happens in the computer verse and how they interact with the outside world.

Will fry one’s mind alright.

If you don’t know Neal Stephenson – pass this. This book is torture otherwise.


3. The Unconsoled – by Kashi Ishiguru

Hmm. I won’t be reading any more of this author’s books. I dont think I have the intellectual development to read this. It was – how would I say – like living in a dream most of the time. Lot of weird stuff. But there were pieces which gave a glimpse into the complexity of human minds. I know of some families / friends – where the child had stopped speaking to their parent / sibling. It was kind of a mystery and here it happens. The porter and the daughter ( protagonists wife later it is revealed ) – do not speak to each other. Even at the very end. Weird but interesting.

Pass this.

4. Us against you by Fredrick Backman

This is the Swedish author I discovered. This is follow up to Beartown ( Highly recommend this ). The story continues after the Beartown climax. Did he stretch this story? It wasn’t as gripping as Beartown but if you loved Beartown you would have to read this.

5. Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons

I discovered Dan Simmons with Hyperion and stumbled on this book. On audible it is 55+ hours or so. It is a very long story and has some good amount of violence. Loved this one.

6. Okei by Mitsugu Saotome

It is a Japanese novel. Story of a little girl who witnesses the fall of the Japanese empire and how she escapes to US – California. Neutral rating.

7. The Bat by Jo Nesbo

New discovery. This is the first novel by this Norwegian Author. It is about a detective – Harry Hole. Violence, Crime, Investigation – if you love those things – it is a must read. It is the first of a long series – Jo Nesbo is going to take some of my hard earned money.

8. Elantris by Brandon Sanderson

Loved this one. The prince is affected by a virus – which literally makes him into a zombie like thing – and all these affected by the virus are dumped into this place called Elantris from which these dead people are not allowed to come out. It is full of strategy where the protoganists make moves against one another like a chess game. Quite interesting.

9. Theft of 2 Swords
10. Rise of Empire
11. Heir of Novoron
by Michael J Sullivan

Loved this series. It has magic, sword fighting, romance, betrayal – all the masala to make it interesting.

Non Fiction

12. The Monk and the lady by Pico Iyer

You get a glimpse of the inner working of the Japanese culture. It was a nice enjoyable journey.

13. Do not talk to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell always takes something well established and turns it around 180 degrees. The audio book was good – it had actual interviews and the production was of high quality.

14. Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

This book is in the list of High School reading of US Kids. Honestly I did not understand. Perhaps I should have researched more on this, or if an English Teacher had taught in class I would have appreciated more. It is a small book – very highly acclaimed – I didn’t make head or tails of it. I am not the biblio types I guess. Ahem – I am the one who abandoned Walden – to draw a parallel – I am more like the Masala movie watcher types, not into Art films.


15. Death by Sadhguru

On Sunday I picked this book from Crosswords. Started reading Sunday night. Monday morning I didn’t feel like working. Went to Starbucks and read the rest. Bliss. This was pre-covid.

I have referenced this book in the ReadThisFirst section of this blog. Again – should be a mandatory reading for everyone. Gives fresh perspective to life.


16. Mindset by Carol Dweck

Another must read. Wish I read this in my 20s. Along with Alchemist, I would gift this book to youngsters. In fact for the Secret Santa game we played end of 2020, I gifted this book.

I started Einstein – Walter Isacson – but lost interest. Started Ponniyan Selvan – 2. Not being able to cross the critical reading threshold after which I get hooked and sail with it to the end. Hope will complete these in 2021.

Thats it for 2020.

Bit by the Bike Bug (again)

TLDR : I have booked the above bike, A Duke Adventure 390. Yes, at this age going to ride a bike which is typically a bike the post teen’s ride. How I convinced wifey – if not now when will I dance? Works all the time 🙂 

Sometime in September Honda Highness was launched. I am a fan of Honda. I started reading and watching reviews in YouTube. Now that’s a good bike. No vibrations at 80+, a good looking bike nevertheless and is going to challenge the current King of the market – Royal Enfield.

I love the looks of this chrome laden bikes which look like what the Terminator robot rode years ago. The Honda had the same retro look.  But it was not chrome – its plastic. Now that’s a bummer. Also Highness is being launched by Honda as a new brand – with brand new showrooms and service centre’s etc. and there are no showrooms nearby – I have to go to Bangalore for this ( I live in Whitefield ). Anyway didn’t bother 

There are some movie shots that are still etched in my memory – just like I saw it yesterday. The scene where Arnold Schwarzenegger gets on the bike he stole from the thug who played billiards and attacked him. 

The closest that came to this look was the Thunderbird. I had it since 2014 and loved the riding posture and the feeling only a bullet can give. It was always a love hate relationship. There are lot of niggles and I will keep getting angry with the bike. But when I ride the Thunderbird all the frustrations will be forgotten and forgiven. 

I don’t know who this guy is. Snapped this photo on a wall to wall poster in the bike workshop in Mumbai. 
The recent niggle was the key got stuck in the Petrol tank lock. It used to give trouble but somehow I will wiggle it out. This time it refused to come out. It was a frustrating moment. Then I had to get help of the petrol shop guy, he put oil and somehow wiggled it out. God bless him.
That is just one instance. 
Yes it is old. Perhaps it is rusting. The tank lock, bike lock and key were changed just 2 years back. It was done in an authorised service center. 
And then the answer came in the form of Meteor. RE opened an office / test track in UK, close to Triumph – so the Triumph engineers could easily switch to RE without moving their pots and pans and changing children’s school.

RE says this one is built with the latest technologies and they had quietened the vibrations. 

Both Meteor and Highness had good feature set. Meteor had the navigation display which is super cool. 

I started following reviews of Meteor. Now this is a winner in the hands of RE. Absolutely no vibrations at 80-90 and has ABS, Tubeless tyres. Wow. I was tempted. 

It was 2 weeks back. San had got out of quarantine after her trip and was ready for riding her FLG. The bike refused to start. It does not have a kick start – so one of us has to push, on 1st gear and the rider has to release the clutch after the bike picks up some momentum. The bike will start. 

San was very frustrated – we had serviced it from the local AECS Layout mechanic a couple of months back and was working fine till suddenly the battery stopped cooperating.

We went to checkout the Meteor one Sunday evening. 

The bike was still tall. The shop guy told just a day back an Avenger lady had come and tried this bike. It was taller. San wasn’t happy. She said I will fix my FLG and ride it. She did not like the ergonomics. And she couldn’t flat foot. She could have managed if she wears her riding boots, but it is not practical for the AECS layout shopping trips.

Monday morning we went to the Bajaj service center and dropped the bike for service. We changed the battery and signed up for the yearly AMC – so we will keep the bike in prim shape. Return we stopped at the Showroom. KTM is adjacent to the Bajaj Showroom and checked out the bikes. I had a meeting so did not take the test ride.

Between the time Honda Highness had launched and till now – I have been reading and watching lot of bike related stuff. I had made a mental model of the what a bike should have.

Non negotiables : 

Tubeless Tyres
Pillion Comfort 


We had switched from 2006 Honda City to BRV last year. The old Honda city did not have ABS nor air bags. BRV had ABS. We experienced ABS first hand in the last trip. On a wet road, on Chennai Bangalore Highway a lorry swerved to our lane. San was driving and was over taking  it. San slammed on the brake. The car did a thud thud but stayed on the same lane and slowed down. It did not swerve a bit. I was impressed. 

Had it been the 2006 Honda City it might have swerved to the left or just kept moving with the wheels locking and car skidding on the wet tarmac. 

Imagine similar technology on a bike. 

Adventure 390 has ABS and in addition cornering ABS. Even while slamming the brakes while turning the ABS keeps the bike stable. The videos were pretty impressive. 

Tubeless Tyres

Again in October, during Diwali – we loaded the car and when I moved the car felt it was tilting to the left. We had lot of luggage on the rooftop, thought it was because of that. We went out of AECS Layout and went to fill the tank. When I stepped out to tell the petrol attendant to not top it ( They typically round it to the nearest whole number by squeezing in more ). I noticed the rear wheel tyre fully flat. Filled air and went to the nearest puncture shop. With tubeless tyres we can still ride it fully flat. It does not damage the tyre.

For the bikes – tubeless tyres are the best. I did read about the advantages of the spoked wheels – for adventure bikes when you are in a trail it matters a lot. Alloy wheels will just break when it takes a hit, but in the spoked wheels the impact gets distributed and only a few spokes will break – so the bike can still run and can be fixed later. In a trail – where no help is going to come it makes sense. 

But for my use – mainly city + touring – tubeless tyres make total sense. 

Pillion Comfort

In 2006, the week we got back from US we walked into Honda showroom next to Diamond District where I used to work, and we purchased an Unicorn. It was the first mono suspension commuter bike and it had superb suspension. It used to glide on the roads and the pillion got superb comfort.

On the left is the mono shock suspension. To the right is the traditional twin-shock. 


When we switched to Thunderbird found the suspension was very poor. When I put it in potholes it will send jerks through the spine for both rider and pillion. Since I can see the road and anticipate it, it will not bother me much. But for the pillion it will be too random and San hated it. She loved the raw power and the and sound of the engine – it sounds like how a bike should sound she will say, but hated the suspension. 

When we did the Adventure 390 Test ride, I dropped it into a few pot holes harshly ( Sorry Test Ride vehicle, this is not how I ride a bike ). San gave a thumbs up. 

This is another non-negotiable. 

Nice to haves

Traction Control
Digital display with Turn by Turn

Traction Control

One should have good riding skill. Know how to ride on gravel, loose sand, oil, snow, wet roads. It comes from years of practise. Traction control definitely assists in this regard for an occasional rider like me. It detects the wheel spinning speed, and the bike’s velocity and controls the petrol being sent to the engine ( hence it has to be ride by wire – not the cable for throttle ) . So when the wheel spins on loose gravel or wet road, it will slow down the spin – even if I am accelerating the throttle – by mistake or on panic. 

Adventure 390 is the only bike less than 4 Lakhs which has this feature. Even the BMW GS 310 -another good adventure bike – does not have Traction Control. This safety feature is present in the high end bikes. 

Digital display with Turn by Turn Navigation

Google has spoiled us all. Those days of stopping at shops and auto wallahs asking for the route is long gone. In cars we can mount the phone anywhere, or just stop the car, pick the phone and check. But on bike – it is a pain. One has to stop the bike, remove the glove, pull the phone out, consult and do it in reverse. The phone mounts are a good alternative – but if it is integrated into the bike’s display it will be God Awesome.

This one is in Adventure.

The one in Meteor. This is really good stuff. 


When people were upset with the rise in petrol prices, our Sardar said – I always put Rs.100 petrol, so it does not affect me. I am like the Sardarji in the Sardarji joke – I always put Rs.300. Honestly I have never calculated how much the Thunderbird gives. However a bike which can go from Bangalore to Coimbatore/Chennai on full tank will give good confidence.  On highways, like Murphy’s law – when we want a petrol bunk it will not be available for miles and miles. The adventure 390 has 14.5 Liters and gives 30+ Kms on highways when ridden < 100 Kmph – the speed I typically drive on cars even. The mileage on Meteor and Highness are more than 40kms. Even more impressive. 

The Adventure 390 ticks all the boxes and much more. 

I was concerned about the height of the bike. Once I sit, with good shoes I could plant my feet – almost flat footed. I can also walk the bike. I should be careful how I park the bike – should not be face in as I don’t think I can easily reverse walk it. I do the same with Thunderbird so will not be a problem.

Other bikes I considered.


Well they did not have a test drive vehicle. The sales guy took my number and said he will call when the bike comes. But no call came. Perhaps a test ride might have sealed the deal. Also the wait time was 2 or 3 months. Sorry RE.


This is the closest contender to Adventure 390. The day I went for a test ride of the Duke, I met a guy outside on Himalayan. He had come to check out the Husqvarna bikes – it is a subsidiary of KTM and has an odd looking city bike.

This one – Husvarna by a Swedish company.
The Himalayan guy said – if the Adventure was there when he got the Himalayan he might have got it. He owns an estate in Wayanad and Himalayan is perfect for the non-roads. 

This one – Himalayan. The BS6 one is really good. No vibrations, ABS, Wonderful Highway tourer, Mono suspension. great on dirt. But has spoke wheels. I saw a few videos of Himalayan on Ladakh. They have named it aptly – it is made for the Himalayas. 

But doesnt have traction control and turn by turn display. Not major but having been with RE and all the niggles – decided not to pursue Himalayan. 


Highness is the Bike of the Year in Team BHP.  But there is no showroom nearby and it did not have mono suspension. And does not have Turn by turn display.

Duke Adventure 250

This is a Trojan, to make Adventure 390 sell more. This one is 50 less, but has a black and white display, and no traction control. Otherwise similar specs. This bike is to make everyone stretch a little bit more and get the Adventure 390. 
After losing sleep over a few nights, decided to make the plunge. 

I am not too concerned on what the world will think. Someone in mid-40s riding what the 20s kids are riding. Why should the boys have all the fun! 

I have booked the Adventure 390 now, last Saturday, and I am in the impatient waiting phase every biker goes through. The sales person said it should be ready for delivery by Wednesday. 

I am reading forums on how to break in the bike and how to ride safely. 

Very excited to get on it and face the wind.

Thump Thump to Vroooom.

Donald Trump and US’s fate

I am not a fan of Donald Trump.

He is a bully. He is a misogynist. He is a hypocrite. He is a racist. He uses religion to further his means. 
He just got lucky being born in a rich family and has zero empathy for the rest of the world struggling.
He is bad for the Environment. He moved US out of Paris accord. We were to slow down the destruction of earth and US being the largest pollutant in the world would have made a big difference. He has also reversed many Environmental laws – so Businesses can make more money. Like he allowing drilling in Alaska.
He sided with Dictators around the world. So US could sell more missiles to some countries to bully their neighbours.
US is self destructing under Trump.
I like USA. It was my home for 6 years of my life. India tugged our hearts and we got back. But had I got into academics – if I had continued after MS into PhD I might have still been in US now.  Or if I had got bit by an entrepreneurial bug while I was in US, I might be running my own startup there.
I don’t like what is happening in US.
I don’t like bullies. I don’t like misogynists. I don’t like hypocrites. I don’t like racists. I don’t like people mis-using religion.
I wish Trump loses this election. 
US has made a mess of its democracy. It is ironical that Hillary Clinton won the majority people’s vote, yet lost the Presidency. Because of the electoral college concept. 
I read somewhere that US election is on Tuesday – and it is not a holiday – so the lower working class people cannot go to vote – the majority cannot decide their own fate. Instead the rich and powerful go to vote – on their way to the Golf course – and keep the power among themselves.
So many of the democracies in the world have collapsed. Greeks, Romans.. The systems collapse after a while.
In US – the TV industry became dominant and a realty star took advantage of it. 
The democracy in US is collapsing. 
It affects everyone – including me. 
If Trump loses it might slow down the collapse a bit. Or US will wake up and see how close to the brim they were. 
I am quite depressed thinking of the US situation. 

Wa-Honda forever!

2006 we purchased a Honda City. 

What a lovely car. Though TopGear used to call it akin to driving a Washing Machine. I never felt so. It has taken us across the country without any hiccups. For the sedate driving we did it was perfect.
Umpteen trips to Coimbatore and Chennai
Pondicherry and Auroville
Ooty’s 36 hairpin bends and Kodaikanal, Mt.Abu
Mysore, Coorg, Madikeri
Rain drenched Lonawalla, Kandala, Bushi dam
Kissed Beach sand on Gorai beach near Mumbai
Kissed Desert Sand at Jaisalmer and India-Pakistan Border

Changed Car Tyres twice. Touched almost 98,000 on the odometer.
Had one accident when a BMTC bus banged the car from the back on Marathahalli Bridge, when I had to hit a sudden brake to avoid crushing a 2 wheeler who cut across from left to right. Had our share of close calls, had hit sudden brakes, skids – but luckily no injuries.
There was a good amount of bootspace. Helped pick US travellers with their 2 large suitcases and had room for their cabin bag too. When we migrated from Bangalore to Mumbai – all of San’s plants were in the trunk. We shifted in the hot month of April. Every 1 hour we will take a break to water the plants which were literally getting cooked in the summer heat. All of them survived the transit, but soon withered away in the Mumbai heat.
The car was rock solid. 
However – the 2006 old model did not have air bags, nor ABS. It was not mandatory that time and Honda made a handsome profit by not including these safety features. We paid around 8Lakhs odd that time. While the highways became better – and San was touching 140kms – we were running on luck most of the time. I am a sedate driver and will hover around 100kms and not let it go beyond 110. 
City was touching 13 years and it was on my mind to change the car. 
Early in 2016, when Hexa was launched I took a test drive and loved the gigantic car. The cost was north of 20 Lakhs and started saving. 
One Sunday, last August 2019, we had lunch at Salem Kitchen in AECS Layout and went to Chef Bakers on ITPL road to have dessert.
We were sitting near the window and we were watching a family take delivery of a Tata Nexon. I said lets go check out these cars.
I loved the Nexon’s design. It was very sporty and compact. I loved the features. Apple Car play support, a bracelet for keyless entry and starting the car, had air bags, ABS, ESP. It had 3 cylinders and had a variable selection – economy, city and sport. It was an automatic manual transmission – AMT. We saw the Harrier but rejected it because of the gigantic size and also it was manual. We saw Hexa too but it was way beyond my budget. I had saved 11Lakhs till now – cannot stretch it to 21+Lakhs a Hexa demanded. 
We got home and made a mental list of non-negotiables. Air bags, ABS and an automatic.
Safety was top priority. Also the next car we were to buy has to be an automatic. We are in the early 40s, and it should last another 15 years. With the Bangalore traffic manual did not make any sense.  
We test drove the Nexon diesel and the top end Petrol variant. Diesel was too jerky and noisy. I liked the Petrol one – it had AMT, Apple Car play and a bracelet plus – Air Bags, ABS and ESP. Yes I am like that – I make my decisions on these little things. I asked them about Hill Hold – which they said it is not guaranteed on steep slopes. It was a downer – the 2nd reason for an Automatic is to have peace of mind in Hills. 
When we visited Sikkim in 2018, I had said to the Himalayas – we will be back. To enter Gangtok, the last 2 Kms or so will take a couple of hours – the cars will move an inch at a time. Can’t imagine driving a stick shift. 
However, I was ready to make a booking and pay the Rs.5000 booking amount – the total came around 11Lakhs which I had saved, but before that San wanted to know the price they will purchase the Honda City for. 
Later during the week 2 guys came to estimate Honda City. They removed the beadings and did a thorough inspection and found that this car had got rear-ended, and said Rs. 30,000. We were both disappointed. The car’s value was around Rs.2,00,000 in the insurance papers, and I expected atleast north of Rs.1,50,000
We then went to Honda showroom the next weekend. The WRV was there – and we were disappointed that it had a manual transmission and no automatic – otherwise loved the design. Test drove the Honda City – it was a CVT – Continuous Variable Transmission – and it was very slick. Had all the gizmos – touch screen with apple car play support and even a sun roof – but it was touching almost 20 Lakhs. Way beyond our budget.
Then we spotted a BRV parked at the very end. I am a frequent visitor of Team BHP and all the discussions will be around Hexa, Creta, City,XUV, Nexon, Ertiga, WRV, Jazz,Kia, MG Hector – but never a BRV.
I had also missed this car in my browsing. 
We saw it had 3 rows of seats. Strike 1. In all our long drives it will be a fight for space between Man and Dog. Now Sufi can travel comfortably at the 3rd row.
The dash had a very basic music system – not a touch screen – thankfully had bluetooth. Did not have a rear camera. But it was a CVT – and had hill hold which they did not advertise – but CVTs do a good job in the hills. Strike 2.
Whitefield Honda showroom itself had a 2nd hand sales division and they sent an evaluator. They gave a price of Rs.1,30,000 and an additional loyalty discount of Rs.50,000. Strike 3. Plus they offered a 5 year warranty. 
BRV had Air bags – which later I found was mandatory in all cars now, and ABS. But did not have ESP – Electronic Stability Protection. BRV had good crash testing ratings but not as good as a Nexon which hit 5stars – a first for an Indian Manufacturer. The onroad price came to 15,92,000 – chose a Rear view camera and leather seats. Along with the discount and resale, had to stretch quite a bit to reach this number.
Nexon, like Ford Ecosport – which was the next showroom I would have visited if we did not spot the BRV – is a 3 cylinder engine. They compensate the lack of the 4th cylinder through some fancy electronics – because in the long run it has less wear and tear and gives God awesome fuel economy ( like 20 KM plus even for a petrol ), but it does not have the smoothness you get from a 4 cylinder car at low speeds. In highways the momentum takes care of the missing 4th cylinder. Hence the option of Economy, City and Sports mode for the AMT – so you decide how comfortable the ride will be – Smart! 
Also during the test drive of Nexon, found everyone’s head wobble to and fro whenever the gears switched up. I asked in Team BHP and the experts said you should get used to driving an AMT. Whenever you increase speed, you should anticipate the gear change coming and take foot off the accelerator – so the wobble does not happen. This was not present in CVT where the transition was smooth – actually the technology later I learnt is quite interesting. CVT does not have gears in the traditional sense – its continuous. 
BRV had the same 1500 CC, 4 cylinder petrol engine – the 20L City had. Honda has perfected the Petrol engine and it has the best among all its competitors. The Economy they claimed was around 14 – 16 Kms per liter. 
We decided to go for the BRV. 
Later, I changed the stock music system with a Pioneer touch screen which supports Apple Car play and Google Maps + Apple Music were now available in the dash.
BRV is a flop in Indian market. It is high priced plus devoid of any fancy features. However we loved the practicality of this car. Any other car which had 3 rows was north of 20 Lakhs – an XUV, Hexa, Fortuner or Endevour. Ertiga was the only contender, cheaper than BRV – but we were already in Honda’s clutches – so did not check it out.
After we took delivery of the vehicle we found some more good features this car had.
The 2nd row seats could be tilted back further which was a pleasant surprise. In most of the sedans it is fixed and cannot be tilted further back. 
The 3rd row seats – even they can be tilted slightly back – can fully fold down and against the 2nd row seats and we get a humungous bootspace. For the first service, I put my cycle inside the car after folding the seats, dropped the car for service and rode the cycle back home. 
BRV does not have any fancy bracelet like Nexon, but it has keyless entry. We made a chain with a black thread and hung the key on it – and we wear it like a necklace whenever we take the car out. During these Covid times it is super beneficial as we do not need to touch the key at all. 
The window for the 2nd row passengers is humungous. In Nexon it was a bit claustrophobic. Sun is a problem – still on the hunt for a good sun shade system. Then I imagine the view the 2nd row passengers will also have when we hit the Himalayan slopes some day.
BRV has paddle shifters. First I thought it was a gimmick but later found it quite useful. Whenever had to reduce speed – lets say while approaching a Toll gate, instead of hitting the breaks to reduce speed, I can just downshift using the paddle shift – this will use engine breaking and is easy on the breaks.
The speakers are quite loud even in the 3rd row – there are outlets there. In the 2 rental cars we had taken from Zoomcar – a Fortuner and Hexa – both were entry level models in their defence – the 3rd row can hardly hear anything. We had to keep maximum volume for the 3rd row to hear, but it will give a headache to the driver.
Air con vents – actually these are just blowers – on the top for 2nd row passengers – and can be adjusted. It was one of the biggest complaints in our good old Honda City. During hot summer trips, the 2nd row will want the AC fans to blow at top speed – so it will reach them. However the driver and co-pilot seats will get super chill. It was always a fight. Now with the vents at the top – it was nicely circulating the air. Also one feature we missed in Honda City – automatic climate control was there in BRV. 
Things BRV does not have – Cruise Control – it is debatable if this feature is useful in India, but I am for Cruise Control – one less thing to monitor while driving. Also it is a 2 Wheel Drive. If we take to Gorai beach once again and car gets stuck – will have to get help of the locals to push it out! One of our acquaintances in Mumbai, always carry’s a thick rope – once he got stuck in desert sand it was a fight to get his car out. After that he always carries a thick rope. On my to-do before the next long drive.
Now the BRV has completed its 3 free services. It is 11 months old now, has only put 4,000 Kms and is cooling its heels waiting for the Covid to blow away – so we can point it towards the Himalayas, or Goa, or Kerala or North East.
Wa-Honda forever! 

June 2020 – Coronovirus

Link to Week 11,12

July 5th – Sunday
1. Coco / Cocoa ( official spelling ) 
Switching to monthly blogging now. Week 13-16 was the month of June.
Rumi was renamed to Coco. Rumi sounded so much alike Sufi. Coco was our back up name and all agreed.
Coco bites and scratches us a lot. All of us have cuts and bruises because of her. And night she is a terror. She hardly sleeps for 2 hours and by midnight she is up and running – biting legs and hands and brushing past the face. I had to cordone off her with boxes – every night it would be my ritual. The defenses will work for only 2 or 3 days and this intelligent cat will figure a way to come out.
Coco had a few nature call accidents – on our bed – exactly at the center – again and again. We had to block that spot with boxes till she got used to the litter box. Otherwise training coco was a cakewalk. Cats are very intelligent ( sorry doggies – I love you all but facts are fact ) – and she quickly got it.

2. We go on a picnic
It was San’s idea. I did not want to step out of the house – lockdown Et al. Her idea was to go some 50-60 Kms outside Bangalore, spread out a blanket under a tree, have lunch and get back. We drive towards Shivanadurga – never reach it, but instead take a detour on Mysore Road -and have a outdoors experience after a long time.

We made some critical mistakes during the trip. Carried only 3 bottles of drinking water which was not adequate for us. Also we did not get water to wash our hands – so we got some water bottles from a shop. Also on the way, in one of the villages, San spotted mangoes being sold by an old man. We had to get it. Other than this we did not have any other interaction with outside world.

We made a checklist for picnics in future
1. Water – Sufficient for both drinking and for washing hands.
2. Polythene gloves and garbage bag – even before we can spread our blanket we have to do thoroughly clean the place – there are lot of bottles, broken beer bottles – with kids and pets – we have to be thorough. 
3. A flask with coffee / tea – we were tempted to stop for coffee/tea but better sense prevailed – and tea cups. 
4. A knife to cut fruits etc.
5. Old Newspapers.
We want to leave the place cleaner than we found – and leave nothing but organic waste.
3. The Transfer

NEET exam date was July 26th. It was decided to transfer Charu back to her home. Passes were obtained – but we had a problem. If Charu’s dad comes to Bangalore to pick Charu, he will have to quarantine for 2 weeks. If San and I go to Hosur to drop Charu – when we get back we will have to be in quarantine.
We decided to send Charu through a contact. The D day arrived and we went to meet this contact – who said he has a car with an e-pass and will help. Only after we met him we realised it had become hard to transfer as there is lot of checking. His driver suggested lets go to the border near Anekal. When we reached there we saw the border was closed. Charu’s Dad came to the other side and the exchange happened. 

4. Mottai

In May we had planned to Tonsure Amu’s baby hair. In between San started reading Death by Sadhguru where Sadhguru says it is important to remove the hair of the baby, because still there is link to the previous birth Karma via the hair. San was even more determined to do it. And so one fine Sunday – she played the barber and tonsured cute Amu’s hair. 

5. Finally more Coco

Coco – touchwood – has grown quite fast. She is not that frail being anymore. 

Once we took her for vaccination around Mid -June, but the vet said let her put some weight. Last weekend when we went the pet clinic was crowded. Will have to go on a weekday.

Bangalore covid cases have started increasing. Around 10 Apartment Complexes around our Apartment have one or two cases. Lot of debates happening within our Apartment Complex who to handle quarantining. 
Things are just starting here. 

Week 11,12 – Coronavirus

Link to Week 10

San’s teammate is fostering rescued cats and was telling now I have to find homes. 
San on a whim says I will take one. She was interviewed. She took photos of our balcony – which is pigeon netted and her application was approved.
On May 23rd, Saturday evening we met Desire – yep – that’s the name of the 40 day kitten – along with Sufi. Both smelled each other and we exchanged some clothes rubbed on these to get familiarised. 
After the meetup – we get back into our layout and find it totally jammed. It was around 6PM.

We stop ( and further the jam ) and pick up potato chips from our regular shop. 

Night we have dinner in Amu’s home.

Made from scratch Chowmein, Panner Manchurian and Chicken manchurian. Sweets we got from Pulla reddy. The mysorepak was out of the world.
On May 26th there is an online Webinar organised by MSWA – Maharashtra Society for Welfare Associations – they brought in all our competitors. San rocked the show. 

Here is the recorded Facebook live link

Facebook live link

My stress levels are slowly increasing. It is raining on evenings / nights and the terrace is wet. We don’t do Angamardhana now and I am not able to dissipate the stress building up.
On an unrelated – but again stress adding thing – we are running out of our monthly home internet bandwidth. 3 more days to go and only 100GB left. We are doing too much binge watching or downloading games.

Friday is our investor call. You will read about the call in the book I will write. I have taken copious notes on what was discussed 🙂 
Once the call is over, I start worrying about how it will be to bring Desire home. We are yet to decide on a name. Friday evening we write the 6 names – Coco, Koochi, Miha, Rumi, Sasha,Pi. All are kept under the beanbag. Each one picks a name and finally which over is left behind is the name of the cat.
Rumi is left behind and so Rum it is.
San and I both like Rumi. Rumi is a Sufi poet. Our dog is named Sufi – both will form a cute pair! 
On Saturday morning we go pick up Rumi. 

Rumi exploring our home. Just this month we installed these wire shutters to keep dengue mosquitoes out. This is the 2nd layer protection – balconies are already pigeon proofed. 

She found this cosy place under the bed to sleep – where a spare bed is kept. 

Cat watching mouse 🙂

Rumi snarls at Sufi. It has reduced and we are keeping both of them away for now. Sufi is very curious and is watching Rumi all the time. 
Saturday night Rumi slept in Charu’s room. Rumi woke up at 12:30 AM and wanted to play. She was up for an hour.
Sunday night Rumi slept in our room. Likewise Rumi woke up at 12:30 AM and started meowing. She roamed around for sometime and apparently she slept on our bed. 
So that’s the story for last week – another life has joined our home.