Category Archives: cartoon

Found my cartoon brother artist!

Found this unknown artist’s work on a wall in a roadside restaurant – Akshaya – in Dhenkani kottai

The first one was more of what you would expect. Could be better but looks like this was done by a professional.

Perhaps this professional guy broke his hand or his girlfriend broke up with him or got a better gig – we will not know and he abandoned this project.

Now they brought in my cartoon brother – he draws just like me and I was so proud of him – he had continued the drawing on the wall.

You see that cart and cows – that was drawn by the professional. Now my man has taken over and has tried to fill up the wall.

Whenever I draw human figures I struggle and I can see it with this artist.  The faces are so damn hard to draw. The hands too. I could empathise with this artist. And unlike me – I draw on an iPad and can make undos-  he has to correct it on the wall – could see the corrections at so many places.

But kudos to him – he completed the work.

Seeing the passion I think the restaurant owners gave one more wall to fill – and our man had given his best shot.

While eating I was admiring this handiwork. Even though the figures are little alienish – it’s beautiful in its own way.

When they can stick a banana on a wall and call it art – to me this is better art than the banana art.

Who knows – in a parallel universe humans did have these weird arms and torsos. Perhaps artists like me and my cartoon brother are reaching out into that parallel universe and giving you guys a taste of it.

Cartoon brother – go for it – may you get more gigs and you fill up the walls with your art.