Category Archives: MokkaiCartoons

The Runner Maashi!

This happened today at the Lunch table.

Conversation between Mom and Prithvi about his Maashi.


Why it is funny is – this Maashi doesn’t do any exercise. Once in entire 2024 she ran around the lake and got leg pain and stopped after that.

So it came as a shocker that she is going to run.

And the pun. run. done.

Sufi makes a friend


At Hillori one of the strays started coming and hanging out with us whenever we go. She is very friendly and very intelligent.

We named her Mike. But I think we should name her Jones.


So I can introduce her to others by saying –

“She is a Indie Aana Jones

for my non-tamil friends – Aana means but. This is an Indie but she is Jones.!


Btw this is the photo I massacred. My cartooning has gone to the dogs – as they say.

The Uneducated Sufi

Sufi never once licked us – the most common thing all dogs do to show their affection.

Sufi was born in a lab and never had her mother’s affection. This common trait in all dogs is missing in Sufi and is one of the things that makes her unique!

I have made this joke so many times at Sufi’s expense. She doesn’t mind. She loves us and we love her.

Ahem.. if you haven’t got it – Lick sounds like Likh – in Hindi to write.

Bad Punn.
I am not Sorry 🙂

The Poisoned Boli

This was before the Vaali play began ( The play was spelled Bali – they had bengalisized the word ). The play was about Rama killing Bali by hiding behind a tree and shooting an arrow to kill Bali. What if Rama did not chose an arrow – but a poisoned Boli?

The Missing Sink

I enjoy making really Mokkai ( banal, PJ ) observations.

These are not really a “joke” joke – it is an emerging yet to be named art form which Chatgpt cannot create.

It is up to me to save humanity.

Here is my attempt at linking my 2 passions – making mokkai observations and drawing terrible cartoons – introducing Mokkai Cartoons.

Here is the first one – The missing sink

We had gone to Rangashankara to watch a play ( a mokkai play called Baali ) – before show started P and I went to the washroom.

This happened there.

The infamous Meme by Elon Musk “Let that sink in”. I patted Prithvi for the quick mokkai addition – the fruit does not fall far from the tree!