Long long ago – pre Covid times I had read The 4 Hour Work week by Tim Ferris.
Tim Ferris is a hacker with a Brilliant mind. By hacker – not the geeky-wearing-a-hood-eating-pizza and hacking bank accounts. No a hacker who finds out creative ways to maximise – without breaking the law or cheating others.
One of the tips he gave was on travel and exploring new cities / places. To travel typically we will plan a 4 day vacation – a 3 night/4 day kind of adventure – which leaves you exhausted at the end and totally unsatisfied.
4 days is insufficient for exploring any place. It took 3+ years living in Mumbai and still we don’t know much about Mumbai.
Tim Ferris says – pack your bags, and go live in a place for 6 months. Cook your own food, do not eat in restaurants, wash your own clothes, buy and live like a local. Then you have truly experienced the place – and that too without spending a bomb and living a good fullfilling life.
Every year – dutifully – I will plan. This year, this summer – when kid is not in school, let us go live in some exotic place – Goa was the one that always came to mind.
But April is our peak selling month – new Financial year. Always there will be some new initiative or the other and we had to be in the office to rally the team.
And 2020 Covid happened. We did not date to step out of our home. When things started stabilising we squeezed in a trip to Mahabalipuram – on Diwali day. I assumed who will come on Diwali to a resort – but the place was fully booked up. Luckily we did not catch covid.
But slowly the travel adventure bug started becoming bigger and bigger.
Around Feb 2021 we decided to move the office to a Co-Working space. We officially announced Work From Anywhere within the team.
Around March 2021, the long hidden desire of travel got rekindled. The 80kms trips around Bangalore – of course on an Adventure bike – weren’t really satiating the heart. It was just fuelling the heart for more.
I started looking into Airbnb for long term stays.I chose pet friendly options. That typically narrowed down to just a few places.
Goa was first in my list. It will be on anyone’s list. Ask someone to think of an exotic vacation – Goa will definitely popup.
I even narrowed to a pet friendly 2BHK at a walkable distance from a beach. There was internet. But the lift wasn’t working. It was around 40k a month. But somehow I didn’t feel good about this. But come summer, tourists will come and what if cases start shooting up – so dropped the idea of Goa.
Then I switched to Mangalore. The choices were not that many, but did find a place. Mangalore is not that touristy a place – and internet, electricity should be available as any Tier 2 city. Told San – I am considering Mangalore, she told in her daily standup – and everyone said Mangalore is a very bad idea. Bangalore is far better for the climate. We were to go in April/May and get back before school season starts. So Mangalore was dropped.
Then I switched to Coorg. Airbnb places were quite expensive, but I was not sure about the internet connectivity. We had made Video to be on in all the meetings as one non-negotiable item.
I did not want to leave the shores of Karnataka basically – don’t know when the borders might get closed and I did not enjoy taking RT-PCR tests.
Finally I dropped the idea and started focusing on my morning runs. Perhaps this year – I will complete a marathon 🙂
And then out of nowhere San says – lets go to Shillong. Apparently she was chatting with Dipankar – a friend who we used to work with on UI collaterals and he said internet and electricity is fine in Shillong.
I was confused. Now Shillong is a mega adventure – I was thinking more of a days journey max – so Sufi can come with us. Now Sufi has to be put in a boarding place. I checked out Google maps and it said 60 Hours from Bangalore. This is plain mental. Will take 5 days of 12 Hours driving each day.
I dilly dallied. Sometimes the idea excited, sometimes nagging questions took over. But after a week I said to San – let’s do it – I cannot say no to such an adventure.
Charu said – you guys are crazy. Thank you very much 🙂
I called my friend Lambert – a well connected guy – also the one who gave me a contact of a broker in Mumbai – who helped me get a 1BHK way back in 2011. Lambert connected me to his friend – and lo and behold found a place. A steep 60k a month but with internet, and a kitchen and power backup in Shillong. Sent 5k as an advance – booked for April 20th. The earliest the house will become available.
It was March and we started the preparations. Amma Charu were to come by flight. The 5 day road trip will not be possible for Amma. I considered changing the middle row of our car to captain seats – but dropped the idea. After any half day trip Amma will be recuperating for a few days – her room will smell of Volini or the Ayurvedic oil. She does not complain as she thinks we will not take her on any trips – but I know that she does suffer with back pain after these long drives. Charu too was hesitant. She was not ready to lose 5 days – one way – as her exam preparations will go for a toss.
We decided they will fly to Guwahati. From there it is 3 hours to Shillong – we can go pick them up. Booked for Apr 26th. Charu was having her Shambhi initiation by Sadhguru on 25th so she could not start before that – she can do the initiation at peace without any disturbance.
We decided to leave Sufi in a boarding place – checked and blocked the place. Cocoa was to travel with us.
Next we serviced the car. I wanted them to change the engine oil – told them we are going on a 6000+ km road trip ( to and fro ) – but the technician said not needed. You come back in July and do it – when it is due. Anyway once I reach Shillong will check the colour of the engine oil and decide.
Next we serviced San’s bike. Oh – and she didn’t have an original license. In 2016 or was it 17. She had gone to Mumbai on a day trip and was mugged while returning on an Auto from Andheri to the Airport Terminal – in the dark stretch in front of the International terminal ( domestic is well lit ). She lost her laptop bag and handbag with her purse and the license. All she had was her phone, charging cable connected to a power bank.
All she has now for a license is an FIR – in Marathi btw and an old copy of the driving license which was from Tamil Nadu. Getting the original, sitting in Bangalore is not possible. Also this license does not show in MParivahan – this license was obtained in the prehistoric times.
I was always uneasy about her driving around without an original license.
So quickly planned to get an LLR along with Charu – who was going to get hers. She got it on Saturday, April 3rd.
Rewind 2 days back – On April 1 – around lunch time went to get the Covid Vaccination – as it was open for all born before 31-Dec-1976.
April 2 was bad for me – had a few server issues, bill generation issues, and by evening had a searing headache, body ache and slight fever. I did not feel like watching a screen having worked the entire day.
During times of fever I get seriously depressed. Everything starts looking bleak. My mind starts taking the forks which leads to doomsday – on all fronts. Work, life, career – name anything.
I was really having second thoughts now – if we will make this trip. It is far, too much uncertainty.
Anyway – on 3rd I woke up fresh and the world was perfectly alright once again! Not to mention San got her LLR. Trip was on.
We had set the travel date as 14th April – Wednesday – Tamil New Years day. We should be in Shillong by Sunday night. Stay elsewhere for 2 nights, and 20th checkin to the month long home.
5 days on the road means we cannot wash. So need minimum 5 fresh underwear. Check.
Our car has only one USB port to charge. So I ordered a Cigarette lighter point splitter from Amazon – because currently it is taken up by the dash cam [ btw – recommend it as per Team BHP geniuses. Might come to help some day when you are on the right and this will help prove ].
We already had a cigarette lighter to 2 USB splitter from our old Honda city. This will take care of the charging needs. 
San ordered more masks from Amazon. It came couple of days before the trip start day, but Prithvi in his enthusiasm while cutting open the package, cut into the masks. We had to order again, and they arrived just on time.
Then ordered a car seat’s backside organiser. To carry Water bottle, tissue, a fold down tray. Idea was good. So Prithvi can keep his iPad and watch movies. Again ordered from Amazon.

From the previous trip to Coimbatore we got a magnetic sun shade protector for all windows. That will help conserve some fuel and also the hot summer sun will not roast us alive.
BRV does not have a arm rest between the passenger and driver. We felt the need for it in long drives. I wonder how they charge more than a million but cannot find the money to put an arm rest. The high end ones come with an armrest. We never felt the need in Honda city which was a stick shift, because the left hand will be on the gear most of the time, but on this one – being a CVT the left hand has no where to rest and keeps dangling giving an odd sensation at the end of a long drive.
I thought of going to JC road but did not find time. So ordered online, and a make shift came one – apparently compatible with BRV it said – came the day before we were to start.

Start Day minus 2 ( Monday )
In Maharashtra the covid cases had started increasing – just like last year. Soon KA will follow suit and then the borders will start closing between states.
I was getting little apprehensive – what will happen if mid-way of the journey one of the states will decide – enough – no more out station folks unless you have an e-pass.
Orissa has now said that by all entry points – air,road or water – a negative RT-PCR Test will be mandated. Meghalaya has also announced that a negative RT PCR is needed to enter.However this test for Meghalaya will not be valid by the time we reach. Have to undergo test + quarantine at Shillong.The other states we will pass through – Andhra,West Bengal and Assam have not announced anything.
Around 3PM we go to Indiranagar Lab Genius and give sample for an RT PCR Test.
At Lab Genius, before us there was a couple and the gentleman had teary eyes and was coughing. We were uneasy. San went right after him to the collection room. Will our trip be a non starter? I put away such thoughts.
The results will be ready by Wednesday evening – it will be too late. We wanted to start on Wednesday morning. Luckily LabGenius sends an email with the result. We will have to take a chance and start, and if one of us in the report comes positive we will turn back.
Start Day minus 1 ( Tuesday )
San and I made a long checklist, and the day before the trip went about picking them.
Wet Cat food, Tofu litter, Snacks for Sufi – were purchased from the spanking new Bangalore Pet Hospital – and dropped Sufi with Abira aunty – Rs.500 a day.
Then we got Murrukku from Pulla Reddy, for the friends in Shillong. Only Murruku can last a week or more. In MK Retail we picked a few munchies for the way – and lots and lots of Tetra Pak juices. We felt guilty a bit, but this was once in a blue moon purchase – and was practical. We open a full juice bottle we can neither finish or refrigerate. Also I got a few Nescafe tetra paks – daily late afternoon I get a caffeine boost – will need it. We are not going to stop in any road side tea shop.Then a few brittania cakes which I typically avoid. Healthy eating will be put on hold for this trip.
The night before, arround 6 we went to CV Raman Nagar to pick Mishki. She was in a boarding place for a month – her parents were coming back from Kolkata tonight. Mishki went crazy seeing San. She panted so much. We stopped the car and gave here some water, but still Mishki was so excited and kept panting the entire way to home.
I go out to fill air and fill up the tank. It is Rs.96 per liter. The car can take around 30 liters. On the high way it will give around 11 kmpl – we typically do 100 to 120+. When we drive at 80 it gives a decent 16 kmpl. I dread to think of the petrol bill.
Then around night 9 we load up the car. Also I disconnect battery from the bikes. The batteries won’t be fully drained hopefully by the time we get back.
Around 10ish get an email from Labgenius – all 3 are negative. Phoo. We decide to start from home around 7, go to Indiranagar, pick the report and head towards Shillong.
Finally Start Day!
Surprisingly I slept well. Typically before any long drive I will have a fit full sleep because of the excitement. But all the exertions of the previous day had tired me out.
Woke up fresh. Did Shambhavi. Drank coffee.
And we start.

Next : Day 1